

I hope all our families enjoyed the extra-long weekend, celebrating the public holiday on Monday, marking the ‘King’s Birthday’.


I spent my long weekend with my children, taking them to the Museum, fighting off unnecessary lollies and sweets from their grandparents and forcing naps to enjoy some down time for myself. All things that, in the moment, may make you grimace and add extra frown lines to your face, yet on the other hand, fill my heart with happiness thinking about the cherished memories I am making with my beautiful children. 


I recently celebrated my 40th birthday and spent some time thinking about the four decades that have helped shape the person I am today. Almost half of those 40 years have been spent lovingly shaping the minds of many children in the two schools I have been fortunate enough to teach in and be part of their communities. Some of the memories I have of my early teaching days make me cringe slightly, yet they also bring a smile to my face as I can now look back fondly on those days, whilst reflecting on my own journey as an educator.


‘This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.’ Psalm 118:24


God wants us to appreciate the season we are in; to live in the present moment. God may have done great things for you in the past, and you’re trusting Him to do great things in the future, but His presence, His power, His goodness, His favour, His blessing, and all that He is can only be experienced in the here and now.


As I move forward in this next chapter of my life, both professionally and personally, I will put my trust in God’s love and live in the present moment, fully embracing all of what that brings me in my life. Self-reflection is essential to growing and learning, and being present in the moment is the gift that God keeps giving us. 


Submitted by Claire Fisher