Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

The Beaufort News 

with 3/4 A & B


Chelsea and Riley

Did you know that in Britain they have pounds whereas in Australia we have dollars? We have been learning about money. We have learnt different ways to make a dollar and we have played some fun money games. If you want to learn more about money, please go to the Math is Fun learning app and click on the activity Make the Amount. We love learning about money on technology.



Ruby. P., Isabel, Eliza

‘Parents can you rap? Can you rap? Can you parents?' We have been learning about Gran Can You Rap fluency text. Fluency is about reading fluently, smoothly and with a clear voice. Our favourite stanza is the last one. It has a fun rhyming bit, “I’m a tip-top, slip-slap, nip-nap, yip-rap, hip-hop, trip- trap, touch yer cap, take a nap, happy, happy, happy, happy, rap-rap queen.”

We really love the fluency text! Look forward to our rap album! 

Ava, Kayleigh and Connor

Good afternoon! Parents, do you like staying in your pyjamas all day long? We do too! Pyjama Day is this Friday! Bring a gold coin donation. We’ll try not to take nap in our fluffy and cosy pyjama but can’t make any promises. Please bring a jacket and weather appropriate shoes to go outside in.


Maddy, Amelia and Camille  

Once upon a time… the 3/4 classes acted out fairy tales. In each script, we had three people acting it out. There was Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs and more. Each person got a script of their own story with highlighted sections to show what you needed to say. Some groups got to act in front of the whole class. And they happily lived ever.


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