Grade 1/2 Learning Community

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni and Mrs Harrison



Excitement blossomed last Thursday when Year 1/ 2 students worked with Chrissy and Naomi from BUNNINGS to dig in our school's raised garden beds. Our budding green thumbs had a lovely afternoon digging and weeding. Luckily, Mother Nature gave us sunshine and held off the rain.

With soil-stained hands and curious minds, our students tackled the garden beds. Armed with the kindly donated gardening gloves and shovels, our resilient Year 1/2 students unearthed garden "helpers" like worms and ladybugs, while banishing the garden "villains"-weeds to the compost heap.

Thanks to our Year 1/2 students' efforts,  our raised garden beds are now brimming with fresh soil and new seedlings! All of us attending BPS can look forward to reaping our gardening rewards in SPRING!

            Our Year 1/2 students have certainly "leaf" a mark on our beautiful gardens