Verity Sheppard



The Compass system for booking parent teacher interviews is now open. Please access the link via your child’s Compass Portal. 


Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held in Week 3 on Wednesday 31st July and Thursday 1st August for all grades except - 


- Prep B which will be held on Tuesday 30th July and Wednesday 31st July (Week 3)

 - 5E which will be held on Tuesday 30th July and Wednesday 31st August (Week 3) 


- 4D which will be held on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August (Week 4). 


Parent-teacher interviews are a chance for teachers and parents to talk together about your child's academic progress and wellbeing at school. Please ensure that you have read your child’s Semester One Report prior to your interview, and please come with any questions you have regarding your child’s progress. These meetings are all about teamwork to support your child's success! 


Please note, you can also schedule an interview with your child’s specialist teachers. Since these teachers have limited available timeslots and will not be able to meet with all parents, please book an interview only if you have specific questions or concerns you would like to discuss with them. 


Please contact your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions or need assistance with booking a timeslot for your interview.