Angela Dawson

Welcome back to Term 3

Welcome back to what promises to be an exciting and enriching Term 3! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable winter break filled with precious moments with family and friends. As we embark on this new term, I'm filled with enthusiasm for the learning adventures that lie ahead for our students. Our dedicated staff has been busy preparing engaging lessons and activities to inspire curiosity and foster growth in every child. Whether your child is taking their first steps with us as a new Valkstone kid or continuing their journey with us, we're committed to making this term a positive and rewarding experience. Here's to a term filled with discovery, achievement, and plenty of smiles!


Welcome to our new staff members

We are thrilled to welcome Rochelle Hunt to our Valkstone Primary School community as our new full-time art teacher. Ms. Hunt brings a wealth of experience to our school, having dedicated many years to nurturing creativity in young minds. Not only is she an accomplished educator, but Ms. Hunt is also a talented artist in her own right. Her passion for art and her ability to inspire students make her an invaluable addition to our team. Ms. Hunt is excited to share her knowledge and skills with our budding artists, encouraging them to explore various mediums and express themselves through art. We look forward to seeing the vibrant and imaginative creations that will undoubtedly emerge from her classroom. Please join me in giving Ms. Hunt a warm Valkstone welcome when you see her around the school!


I would also like to welcome Martine Mitchell to our teaching staff here at Valkstone. Martine will be joining us in the specialist teaching areas of junior P.E. and junior S.T.E.M. She will also be working with our Year 6s on Thursdays and Fridays for Interschool Sports. Her unique blend of expertise will undoubtedly enhance our PE and STEM programs, providing our students with engaging, hands-on learning experiences. We're excited to see the creative projects and energetic activities that will emerge from her classes. Please also join me in giving Ms. Mitchell a warm Valkstone welcome when you see her around the school!


Uniform Policy reminder

As we begin the new term, I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone about our School Uniform and Dress Code Policy (which can be found on our school website). Wearing the correct uniform fosters a sense of belonging and pride in our school community. Please ensure your child comes to school each day in the appropriate uniform. 


We also kindly ask that students refrain from wearing jewelery, with the exception of simple stud earrings/small sleepers and watches. The other exception is a necklace that can be worn under the school uniform if it has religious or cultural importance. In this instance, please discuss this with your child’s classroom teacher so that they are aware. For safety and hygiene reasons, hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back neatly. 


We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining these standards. If you have any questions or concerns about the uniform policy, please don't hesitate to contact the school office.