From the Office
21st June 2024
Hi Everyone,
As we brace for the full brunt of winter and the days become colder, we have noticed an increasing amount of children feeling cold out on the yard. We would like to remind parents and students the importance of wearing their school jumpers and jackets. We would also like to suggest that perhaps parents add an extra layer of clothing under your child/ren’s school uniform to keep them warm. OLPS beanies and scarves are available for purchase, please enquire at the front office.
📢 Last call for CSEF forms, we would like to remind familes that term two school fees are now due. CSEF forms are available at the front office for eligible families. Please note the close off to lodge CSEF forms for 2024 is June 30. Please contact Deidre or Melissa in the general office to discuss fee payments and account enquiries.
School Uniform Reminder - A reminder for parents that all students are required to wear the school approved uniform on a daily basis, with the only exception being special event days. Families will be notified by the school of any such days. For health and safety reasons, children who have hair reaching their collar must have it tied back. A uniform dress code reinforces in students a sense of pride in their own appearance and instils recognition of themselves being an important part of the school community. Please utilise below links for more information on OLPS uniform and uniform purchases.
Sport Uniform:
We hope you all have a wonderful last week of term! 😃