
The Year 6 students are busily working on their Sustainability Expo and would love some assistance from parents if you can help with any of the following items:
Clothes for Donation
Sophia, Vlad, Freida and Zoe T are doing a project on micro plastics. These microplastics get into our waterway and food chain from synthetic fabrics. As part of their action, this group will be collecting second-hand clothing for donation to charity.
There will be a box for clothing donations at the Junior Campus and Senior Campus offices.
Food for Donation
Indie and Ella are researching food waste. Their action is to collect food to donate to a charity called Cheaper by Miles. Please have a look through your pantry for any food items that you are not going to use. It doesn’t matter if the food packaging is damaged.
There will be a box for food donations at the Senior Campus office.
Clothing and Fabric for Scrunchies
Abby and Kiki are doing a project on fashion waste. As part of their action, they will be upcycling old clothing and turning it into scrunchies. If you have any small pieces of clothing that would be suitable for these, please donate them.
There will be a box for these clothing and fabric donations outside the library near the Lost Property box.
Clothing and Fabric for Teddy Bears
Charlie and Madi are also investigating fashion waste. As part of their action, they will be upcycling old clothing into teddy bears and donating them to the Royal Children’s Hospital. If you have any old clothing that would be suitable for this, please donate it.
There will be a box for these donations outside 6B.
Aluminium Cans and Plastic Bottles for Recycling
Josh K and Tommy are doing a recycling fundraiser as part of their project on Ocean waste. They would appreciate it if you could donate plastic bottles or aluminium cans for recycling. The funds raised in recycling these will be donated to Ocean clean up charities.
There will be a box for these at the Senior Campus and Junior Campus offices.
E-Waste for Recycling
Jonah and Levi are researching E-waste. E-waste is any electronic item that cannot be repaired. It might be an old phone or a broken coffee machine. It is illegal to put e-waste into your rubbish bin because it is not supposed to go to landfill. Companies such as Officeworks recycle E-waste.
There will be a box at the Senior Campus office to collect E-waste for recycling.
Sports Shoes for Donation
Wilba and Milos are researching the impact of shoes on the environment. Shoes often end up in landfill. Milos and Wilba are collecting secondhand shoes for donation. These shoes can make a big impact. There will be a box for collecting shoes outside 6A.