Student Awards

Students of the Week

Zac P, 1A - for displaying wonderful leadership qualities, being a focussed learner and always being kind and caring towards his peers. 



Stella P, PA - for consistently making others feel valued and included within the class. Her kindness and care for others is amazing. We are so proud of you!


Annie L, 3A - for her thoughtfulness to others and her ability to sprinkle kindness to all in 3A


Green HERRRBY Award

Rafe B, 2A - for being extremely involved in our Inquiry topic and becoming a Waste Warrior. Your ideas about ways to refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and rot will help everyone!



Tia K, PA - for always working really hard to achieve your personal best with everything that you do. We love your ‘can do’ attitude!


Toby W, PB - for always displaying great team work and an interest in learning. We love how you give everything a go!


Eleanor E, PC - for her enthusiasm when it comes to her learning. You are always pushing yourself to do amazing things. Super effort!


Yana R, PC - for being a fantastic member of PC! You always make a huge effort with all your work! Well done, Yana!


Leor H, PD - for writing two sentences in response to the book he read during our reading time. Well done!


Dimitri T, 1A - for the outstanding range of strategies he uses when adding 2 digit numbers together. You are a maths wizard!


Miles P, 1B - for his positive approach to learning in every subject.


Tali M, 1C - for the great care and pride she takes in the presentation of all her classwork. 


Liel R, 1D - for her amazing story about a hamster and can. It had great ideas and details that kept me hooked until the end.  


Aston N - for all of the effort that he has been putting into his Writing. I am proud of how well you are going!


Ben W, 2B - for his amazing story about the animals escaping from the zoo. I especially loved your descriptions about the parrots and the ground hogs! Fantastic writing, Ben. 


Yossi G, 2C - for your theatrical performance of our readers theatre. You are doing so well with your reading and we are so proud of you! 



Georgia F, 2D - for embracing HERRRBy week and always demonstrating our HERRRBy values.


Evie H, 3A - for her kindness and being a wonderful class helper to others. Thank you, Evie!


Frankie A, 3B - for showing kindness all through HERRRBY week. Keep smiling that bright smile! 


Parker H, 3C - for being a wonderful classmate who embodies the HERRRby values!


Josh R, 4A - for being an all round superstar! You are always working hard and showing kindness to everyone! 


Rosie B, 4B - for being a great mathematician who tries new strategies and asks questions! 


Brodie S, 4C - for always coming to school with a bright smile and positive attitude. Well done! 


Sonny S, 5A - for being a cool, calm & collected member of 5A who always gets my jokes!


Lenny R, 5B - for making a sensational effort with his classroom behaviour. Brilliant Lenny!


Toby B, 5C - for his positive attitude and his commitment to giving his very best in every class task!


Scarlett W, 5D - for the outstanding effort she puts into her learning at home and at school. Keep up the great work!


Kaida L, 6A - for coming into school with a big smile and a great attitude every day. We are lucky to have you in 6A!


Madi S, 6B - for her outstanding JETS performance on HERRRBy day. You were sensational, Madi!


Olivia S, 6C - for always working with a positive and determined attitude and consistently producing excellent work!


Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Edie W, PA - for enthusiastically participating in all activities and showing a great understanding of Japanese.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Dimitri T, 1A - for actively participating in activities and responding to Japanese numbers questions very well.  すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Mia P, 2D - for being a wonderful helper and demonstrating the HERRBY values during the Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!