Acting Principal's Update

Gabby Tigafua

Respectful School Communities start with Respectful Behaviour

Schools are positive places of learning where everyone has a right to a safe and healthy learning environment. Schools are also workplaces, and school staff deserve to work in an environment where they don’t feel threatened or unsafe. 


As we are all part of the community of Greenvale Primary School, it is important that we all work and behave in a manner that is respectful to everyone.  Everyone has the right to feel safe and included in our community. To ensure this happens, it is important we behave in a certain way. We ask that as parents/carers you follow these expectations:

  • Model positive behaviour in front of all children.
  • Work with the school to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
  • Communicate politely and respectfully with all members of the school community.
  • Support school staff to maintain a safe learning environment for all students.
  • Treat all school leaders, staff, students, and other members of the school community with respect.
  • Communicate constructively with the school and use expected processes and protocols when raising concerns.
  • Follow the school’s processes for communication with staff and making complaints.


How do I raise an issue or make a complaint? 

Step1: Clarify the issue (what is the problem?) 


Before you approach the school or your child's teacher:

  • Be clear about the issue you want to discuss. 
  • Focus on the things that genuinely affect your child. 
  • Always remain calm and remember you may not have all the facts relating to the circumstances of the issue you wish to discuss. 
  • Think about what an acceptable outcome would be for you and your child. 
  • Be informed; check the policies or guidelines, where relevant. 

Step 2: Contact the teacher, then the PLC Leader if required

Please note: The PLC leader is also referred to as the Educational leader and/or Team leader.


There are a number of ways you can raise concerns you have about your child. Please inform the school about the issue or concern. You are encouraged to:

  • Speak/write with your child’s teacher outlining your concerns. 
  • Make an appointment to speak on the phone or in person with the class teacher.
  • If a resolution is not reached, make an appointment to speak to the PLC Leader.
  • Remember that the class teacher / PLC Leader, together with others who may be involved, should be given a reasonable amount of time to take the steps required to resolve or address your concerns.

Step 3: Contact the Principal or Assistant Principal

If the issue remains unresolved after you have approached your child's teacher or the PLC leader you can then ask to see the Assistant Principal or Principal.


To do this, you are invited to make an appointment through the school office. 


Please note that if your child’s teacher is going to be present at the meeting it is more likely to occur outside of classroom hours. 


Step 4: Contact the Regional Office

If you still feel that your complaint has not been addressed satisfactorily after speaking to the teacher and the Principal, you can then contact the Northern Western Victoria Regional Office.


A regional Community Liaison Officer will be able to provide you with advice and assistance and, if required, direct your complaint to other regional staff to respond.

The Regional Director will ensure any formal written complaint is reviewed.  It is the regional office's responsibility to:

  • Ensure that complaints, wherever possible, are resolved at the school. 
  • Ensure that procedures at the school are in accordance with the DET regulatory framework. 

The regional office may refer your complaint to other areas or branches within the DET. You will be notified of this and of any major delays in addressing your complaint.


Step 5: Contact the Central Office

Contact with the Department's central office should only take place if all other steps have not led to a satisfactory resolution. Where possible, all contact should be in writing. If it is clear that you have not followed the above steps your concern will be redirected to the relevant regional office. You will be notified if this happens.


Please remember, our mutual objective is to support your child’s education. To do this, we ask that feedback and complaints are both constructive and respectful. Parents are reminded to follow the school’s complaints policy which can be found on our school website - .






Foundation 2025

If you have a child that will be starting Foundation in 2025 please read the information below:


Enrolment Guidelines for Foundation 2025

Please visit our website for information regarding the timeline for Foundation 2025 enrolments and school tours. 


If you click the link below, it will take you to the registration form for Foundation 2025. Existing families are not required to book in a tour but are quite welcome to if you would like.


Once you have registered, we will email you an enrolment form or they will be available to collect from the office. Enrolment applications are to be returned by Friday 26th July 2024.



Gabby Tigafua