Mental Health and Wellbeing


The Māori New Year, known as Matariki, is a significant cultural event for the Māori people. Matariki is derived from the name of the star cluster Pleiades, which reappears in the dawn sky on June 28th, marking the start of the Māori New Year.

Traditionally, Matariki was a time for Māori to remember those who had passed away, celebrate new beginnings, and prepare for the year ahead. It's a time of reflection, feasting, storytelling, and connecting with whānau (family) and the community.

In recent years, the celebration of Matariki has been revitalised and is increasingly recognised across New Zealand, with various events, gatherings, and ceremonies taking place to mark this important cultural occasion.


Over the past week our Hillsmeade Primary School Pasifika students have been exploring what Matariki is and the importance of it. Students have discussed the key factors that underpin their culture alongside the three major principles that guide Matariki including remembrance, celebrating the present and looking into the future.