Sustainable snapshot
By Miss Dunstan
Sustainable snapshot
By Miss Dunstan
Starting on day one of Term 3 students can earn themselves a raffle ticket for bringing less single use plastic items in their lunchboxes. Hillsmeade PS is committed to reducing landfill waste both at school and at home.
Single use plastics are the most common items that end up in landfill, as well as the most common items found in the ocean. By doing your bit, and reducing the amount of single use plastics you purchase you can contribute to a more sustainable future and at Hillsmeade we are proud to be part of this movement.
What is Single Use Plastics?
Single-use plastic products (SUPs) are used once, or for a short period of time, before being thrown away. The impacts of this plastic waste on the environment and our health are global and can be drastic.
Common single use plastics are below, as well as plastic bags and coffee cups.
Getting involved in Plastic Free July:
Changes to waste at Hillsmeade Primary School
We have been excited to launch new waste bins at Hillsmeade Primary School so we can better sort our recyclable items from our landfill items.
Our new waste bins include a red landfill bin and a yellow mixed recycling bin, we also have boxes for the CDS (Container Deposit Scheme) so we can make sure our juice boxes, milks, bottles and cans also get to where they can be recycled all while earning our school 10cents.
Students have been really engaged in thinking about what bin to use and how the items can be recycled again once sent off in the mixed recycling bin.
These discussions can continue at home with the below handy guide on what can and can not be recycled in the City of Casey recycling bins.