Year 6 Update

Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkina Wills
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil
Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkina Wills
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil

Upcoming learning Term 2 Weeks 10 & 11

During the next fortnight, Year 6 students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Reading:  Students are exploring different children's authors to learn about their different writing styles. 


Writing: Students are working on publishing reviews using the presentation trait. 


Maths: Students are completing pre assessment tasks in preparation for their math topics in term 3. They will also be playing class math games to review content covered in term 2.


Inquiry: Students will be running their MAD day stall and reflecting on their achievements and challenges. 


S.E.L:  Students are learning about positive body image through Embrace Kids. 


Term Homework: Students have been presenting their final Empower Project presentations. 


Reading Homework: Students are expected to read every night and log this in their diary with a signature from a parent/carer. These are to be handed into the teacher weekly.

News and Reminders:


Drink bottles: Please remember to bring a drink bottle to school every day. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room.


Devices: Please remind your child to charge their device each night so that they are able to use it in class.



MAD Day preparations in 6E


First Aid with St John



Year 6 Kindness Award

Congratulations to Alex and George who were nominated from their peers for our weekly Kindness Award!


Star Students of the week 

Congratulations to the students who were nominated by their classroom teachers for displaying one or all of our school values of Kindness, Respect and Resilience in the last fortnight.