Around the College 

Vinnies Winter Appeal

WOW!  The photo says it all. What a magnificent effort by everyone within the Nazareth community 😊 You surpassed our expectations with your generosity, awareness of those in need, and willingness to embrace the challenge set out by the House Leaders. Thank you to the Vinnies and Leaders for driving this appeal, assisted by Heads of Houses and the wonderful Pastoral teachers who reminded their students daily about the importance of helping those in need. To the students and families who donated, none of this could have been achieved without you. You certainly let your light shine brightly throughout this appeal. 

A very special thank you to Mrs. Morina (parent), who donated magnificent hand-crocheted blankets that were auctioned in silent auction hampers to the staff. We raised more than $600, enabling the purchase of non-perishable food items. (see photo). We must also acknowledge Ms Caitlin Mackay for setting up the Vinnie's Door Dash supermarket, which was a suggestion by one of the leaders. This enabled students who were unable to get to the shops to make their purchases at school. A special mention to the House leader of Mannix, Lisa Vu, for overseeing the competition between each pastoral group. As a result, Mannix House donated the most items, with a total of 527! Congratulations Mannix; a real team effort.  

We were blessed to have members of the St Anthony’s SVDP Conference volunteer team attend our Social Justice Mass last week. They were amazed by the Nazareth collection of food and toiletries, and were so thankful. They will collect these items this week and create food hampers that will be distributed to the needy in the local community. 

When we work as one, we can do AMAZING things.  



Ms Lisa Douglass 

Social Justice Coordinator





Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Recitation Competition 

On Tuesday, 4 June, a group of 28 Year 9 students attended the Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition. We were super excited to practise and perform our poems. 


We started off the day by making our own way to the city by train, where we met in front of the State Library. On the way to the city, my friends and I were very excited as well as nervous. As we practised our poems on the train, a sweet Italian lady overheard and helped us rehearse the poem. 

After meeting the Italian teachers, we made our way to Melbourne University on the tram, and one by one, we went into a room with an Italian teacher, who assessed us as we read our chosen poem. The poem I recited was ‘Il Lampo’ by Giovanni Pascoli. 

After the recitations were complete, we walked a block down Faraday Street and went for lunch on Lygon Street, including a visit to Brunetti. The day filled us with many memories and a fun experience.


Zara Gatt 

Year 9 MC3

SIS Weekly Sport

Congratulations to our Junior Girls Soccer team who finished their season last week undefeated. In their last game the score was 7 - 0.  A big thank you to their coach, Ms Gabby Spano.

Year 8 Visual Communication Design

Expanding their knowledge of different drawing methods relevant to Visual Communication Design, students in Year 8 VCD this term have learnt about Isometric Drawing. This three-dimensional drawing method is primarily used in documentation drawing, to bring to life two-dimensional drawings such as Third Angle Orthogonal Drawings. However, it has also been regularly used in games and type in recent times. For the task at hand, the Year 8 students were challenged to pick a three or four lettered word, and using a carefully constructed two-dimension alphabet, they were to convert the word into Isometric view and then render it using pencil or markers. Please take a look at the exciting three-dimensional work below.

Bernice Arigu CH5
Arielle Wilkins CH3
Bianca Hatvani CH2
Savannah Earle MA5
Chloe Loizou CH5
Joshua Opasinis MK6
Anthony Thai MK3
Mila Gagic MX3
Liam Farrier MC3
Bernice Arigu CH5
Arielle Wilkins CH3
Bianca Hatvani CH2
Savannah Earle MA5
Chloe Loizou CH5
Joshua Opasinis MK6
Anthony Thai MK3
Mila Gagic MX3
Liam Farrier MC3


Mr Rosario Ripper

Instructional Leader Visual Arts