Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Child Safety

We recently received an email from the City of Greater Dandenong, that went to all local schools in regards to the safety of all students and school crossings. I have copied it below as we want it ensure we are all doing everything we can to ensure our children are safe. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to discuss this with your children.


Hello All Schools

I write to you out of concern for student safety and School Crossing Supervisors following reports received.

We have had a few reports recently from our school crossing supervisors as well as the community, advising us that students are often not using the designated crossings and running across roads,  which is a safety concern. 

Another point I would like to make is that children/parents/guardians/carers often do not listen or follow instructions given by the crossing supervisor.  Crossing Supervisors are provided by the City of Greater Dandenong Council for the safety of all concerned., they are trained following the guidelines as laid out in “Instructions for Children’s Crossing Supervisors”  and deserve respect.  The Instructions can be found on the VicRoads website for your information.  

Council takes any reports of student safety seriously and seeks to collaborate with the school to ensure the safety of the students. Can I please ask that you educate your students and parents on road safety.  We hope to work closely with you to ensure students are using the designated crossing and following instructions given by the School Crossing Supervisor. 

End of Term

As we move toward the last two weeks of school it is a big time with exams for Year 9,10 & 11 students and Work Experience for our Year 10 students. We wish our the students all the best for their exams and Work Experience and encourage students to keep working as hard as they can until the end of the term. It has been a long term but we have the end in sight.

Looking Ahead

The Year 12 Formal is a highlight of the calendar each year and will take place on Thursday 20 June 2024 at The Grand on Princes Reception Centre, Mulgrave. All Year 12 students will finish school at 1.20 pm on Thursday, 20 June 2024 to enable them time to get prepared for the big event. The following day, Friday 21 June, 2024 there are no classes, no school, as this is a Student Free Day.

A reminder that Term 2 concludes on Friday, 28 June 2024 at the usual time of 3.03pm. Classes resume for Term 3 on Monday 15 July, 2024.  Please note students start Term 3, 2024 on Monday 15 July 2024, not the Tuesday as earlier advised.

Feast  of the Sacred Heart

Last Friday the Church celebrated the Feast of Jesus which brings to mind the unending love God has for us. We pray that as individuals and as a community we can open our hearts to receive the love of God more deeply. We pray also that we can offer ourselves, our work, our efforts and our lives back to Him in love. The response to love is love. May we be open to God’s love and respond by loving God and loving our neighbour more and more.


May this be seen in everything we do in this community.


God Bless


Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students