Principal's Message

The Spirit of Excellence
At our Secondary Assembly this week, we gathered as a college community to congratulate those students who achieved Academic Excellence throughout Semester 1, and to acknowledge those students who have consistently demonstrated high levels of application, effort and engagement in their studies. It was a wonderful celebration of student achievement with over 250 students being recognised for their outstanding results and their demonstration of excellence.
The various Academic Awards reflect outstanding academic achievement in particular subjects and/or consistently high achievement across Learning Areas. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is used as the basis for such awards in Years 7-12. The GPA for each student is calculated by analysing the particular Subject Grades achieved. In order to receive an Academic Award, a student’s GPA needs to be above 4.6. Our Assembly also afforded us with an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate those Year 7 -10 students who achieved outstanding results in respective Elective Subjects throughout Semester 1.
The Crown Awards were presented to those boys who had achieved multiple ‘Pinder Boor Certificates of Excellence.’ The Certificates of Excellence recognise those students who have consistently demonstrated outstanding commitment and personal excellence as indicated by their Attribute Point Average (APA). The APA is calculated on the average score achieved over all five areas of ‘Student Work Attributes’ across all areas of study on their Student Report. A certificate is awarded to those students achieving an APA above 4.5. A Blue Crown is awarded to a student who achieves three Pinder Boor Certificates of Excellence; a Green Crown for six Certificates; and a Gold Crown for nine Certificates. It is important to note that throughout their academic journey in Secondary School, a student will receive eleven Student Reports. Therefore, the achievement of respective Crown Awards, is a significant achievement and it was wonderful to see the large number of boys achieve such recognition.
In celebrating the talents and achievements of the many boys being recognised for these particular awards, the challenge remains for each and every student to share their particular talents and to strive for excellence in what they do. Put simply, all students are challenged to give their best. To do anything less than their best will not be enough!
Whether a boy’s talents, ideas and ultimate pursuit of personal excellence is in the area of their Academic studies, the Arts, Sport, Christian Service or other areas of college life, the fact remains that success will require a commitment to hard work, a clear desire to fully engage and learn, and it will require genuine application to the task. All things that each and every student is capable of in their own context.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge and congratulate the students who have consistently applied themselves, willingly shared their gifts and achieved personal excellence. Let us celebrate those students who have demonstrated a Spirit of Excellence within our school with a hope that every student can personally commit themselves to achieving excellence in the future.
Live Jesus in our hearts.
Mr Darren O’Neill