From the Principal's desk

It has been a cold start to term 3. I think everyone is hoping that the weather will start to improve from now and we can all enjoy getting back outside. The sensory play space at the front of the school (around the junior playground) is starting to take shape. The development of this will be in three stages and I can't wait for students to be able to utilise this space.
Lightning Premiership
The Lightning Premiership was held last Friday the 26th of July 2024 in Yarrawonga. Students represented the school well and had a fun filled day. Congratulations to all of the students that participated in football, netball and softball.
Parent/Student/Teacher interviews
The Parent/Student/Teacher interviews for Term 3 will be held on Thursday the 22nd of August. Students will not be required to attend regular school on that day, however, are expected to attend the interview with their parent/guardian. Bookings for the interviews will open on Thursday the 15th of August for parents to book in.
Victorian State School's Spectacular
The Victorian State School's Spectacular is a fabulous opportunity for our students to be part of. We all went to Melbourne for the first rehearsal last Wednesday, the 24th of July. It was a very long however, exciting day. We had the chance to experience singing in a large group (around 1000 students) who are participating in the Mass Choir. Tickets to the show are sold through Ticketek and now open. Our next rehearsal is on Wednesday 28th of August, with production week starting on Thursday the 12th of September. Please see the Compass email regarding staying with staff on the Thursday night.
2025 Prep Enrolments
Enrolments for 2025 need to be finalised to allow us to start planning for 2025. If you are a
current family with a child at Numurkah PS who will commence Prep in 2025 please pick up an enrolment pack from the office and return as soon as possible.
If you know of anyone looking to enrol at Numurkah PS for 2025 or still undecided, please encourage them to give the office a call or come in for a chat and a tour of the school.
Canberra Camp
Thank you to all Year 5 and 6 Families who returned an expression of interest and deposit for the Canberra Camp in Term 4. Families can make additional payments towards the camp throughout term 3, if they wish. 'Centrepay' can also be organised to help with progressive payments towards camp, please come into the office if you need any support in setting this up.
Somers Camp
Our Year 5 & 6 students have been given the opportunity to attend Somers School Camp. This is an amazing experience and a fantastic way to meet other Year 5 & 6 students from our area. If you would like more information please contact the office.