Key upcoming dates Term 3

Term 3- 2024



Monday 26th August:       -  NMR - Mickleham Division Year 8 Basketball

                                                    - Prep  2024 Term 3 How Objects Move Incursion)


Tuesday 27th August to  Friday 30th August - Fathers Day Stall 

Tuesday 27th August      -    ESP Basketball - U15 Girls - Champions Cup Elite 8

                                                 -    Storm Cup U16s Boys and Girls


 Wednesday 28th August -  9S1 Community Project - Salvation Army Homelessness                                                                   City Tour

                                                     -  NMR - Mickleham Division Senior Basketball Region



 Thursday 29th Auguust - Saturday 31st August 




 Monday 2nd September -   Year 5 Term 3 Excursion: Werribee Zoo


 Tuesday 3rd September -     Early Primate Evolution @ Melbourne Zoo (Y12 Biology)

                                                         7&8 ACED History - NGV Excursion


 Thursday 5th September -    Year 9 FareShare Volunteering

                                                        - KANGANS TASTER DAY (Taster day)   


  Monday 9th September to Wednesday 11th September



  Tuesday 10th September-  NMR - Woodland Division Athletics - Sport & Rec                                                                               Assistance 

                                                     -  Unit 2 Biology: Get Into Gums Excursion A

                                                      -  College Council


  Wednesday 11th September -  Year 1 Incursion 2024: Chemistry Chaos

                                                             -  Year Prep, 1 and 2 Incursion: Mad Science Show 


  Thursday 12th September -    State Finals Intermediate Soccer 

                                                            - Second Hand Uniform Stall

                                                             - PFA Footy Day BBQ

                                                             - Unit 2 Biology: Get Into Gums Excursion B 

                                                             - ABCN My Career Rules


Wednesday  18th September-    Storm Cup U16s Boys and Girls


Thursday 19th September -    WeShare Interviews (Pupil Free Day) 


Friday 20th September -  Last Day of Term 3, 2:00pm dismissal for students