Diocesan News

Clarity Learning Week - Week 9, Term 3
We are looking forward to welcoming Dr Lyn Sharratt back to the Diocese in Week 9, of this term. The focus will be on “Instruction and Writing” and “Evidence of Impact’, and include learning walks and talks in schools. (See agenda here).
Schools are to choose the venue and dates that best suit their needs. The dates and venues for this Professional Learning has been arranged as follows:
- 17th & 18th September:
St Joseph’s West Tamworth- Time: Tuesday - 9am to 3:30pm & Wednesday - 9am to 2pm
Registration link here
- Time: Tuesday - 9am to 3:30pm & Wednesday - 9am to 2pm
- 19th and 20th September:
Holy Trinity Inverell- Time: Thursday - 9am to 3:30pm & Friday - 9am to 2pm
Registration link here
- Time: Thursday - 9am to 3:30pm & Friday - 9am to 2pm
This professional learning is for the Leadership team members of your school, however Principals may choose to invite additional staff members. Costs for leadership team members to attend these sessions will be met by Armidale Catholic Schools Office. For any additional staff attending, costs will need to be met by the school.
All staff attending need to complete the registration form (see links above) by no later than Friday 23rd August.
Writing Competition Winners
Announcing the winners for the 2024 Students as Authors Writing Competition. Congratulations to all the students and we look forward to sharing their stories as eBooks on the SORA library later in the year.
Leader as Coach Program
A two day professional development day for leaders facilitated by Catherine Jackson from Leopard Tree on Tuesday 24 & Wednesday 25 September 2024 8:30am – 3:30pm at Armidale Catholic Schools Office, Angela Merici Room.
This program is all about making coaching simple, accessible and integral to the way you lead. The ultimate goal is to build capability, independence and confidence in those you lead and support.
Regardless of whether you have some experience of coaching or this is new for you, these days will help you to integrate a coaching approach into your leadership habits and decisions.
This is an optional professional learning opportunity and the cost for attendance is at each school's expense. For more information please see this Flyer
Data, Data Ecosystem and Collection Schedules
We welcome Jessica Scully to the Data Team along with Briony Martin, Jacqueline Wait and Justin Matthews.
Jessica is in a hybrid role and works for ACS on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays as SME: Literacy/EALD K-6 and Data
Jacqueline is in a hybrid role and works for the ACS on Mondays and Tuesdays as SME: Literacy K-6 and Data.
Briony is full time at ACS and assists schools with all aspects related to the data ecosystem: collection, analysis and professional learning.
Elise Baird from the Inclusion Team is the contact for MiniLit Sage and Intervention.
Any COMPASS related concerns please use compasssupport@arm.catholic.edu.au.
The Data Collection Schedules for 2024 are linked below with details for the upcoming Year 1 Phonics Screener outlined and Cold & Warm Write stimulus linked.
For support in implementing the data collection schedules please contact Briony bmartin1@arm.catholic.edu.au, Jacqueline jwait@arm.catholic.edu.au or Jessica jscully@arm.catholic.edu.au
2024 Primary Data Collection Schedule
2024 Secondary Data Collection Schedule
Enhance Literacies - Andrell: Big Write / VCOP
Please be advised that ACS will support schools by providing access to a PLATINUM Account for leadership teams and teaching staff. This will support our focus on the Big Write / VCOP methodology as a key aspect of our uninterrupted Literacy block.
These accounts are active from July 2024 - July 2025. Details have been sent to leadership teams to either renew or activate accounts.
Roger O’Sullivan Award
Promoting partnerships between home and school to enhance the learning outcomes of students
Has your school community implemented an initiative that focuses on family, school and community collaboration?
Does your initiative focus on faith formation, the school curriculum, student wellbeing, or any combination of the three?
Apply for the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT’s 2024 Roger O’Sullivan Award for the opportunity to receive a $5000 grant to further your school’s initiative.
Your initiative may have commenced in 2024 or be an ongoing project.
Applications may be completed by Parents and Friends Associations (or similar parent bodies), individual schools or clusters of schools. Closing date for submissions: Monday 14 October 2024.
For more information on how to enter please visit ccsp.catholic.edu.au