Mission & Religious Education News

Retreat Week
Retreat week spots are filling up! Register today to secure your position. Armidale Catholic Schools has a series of retreats in August. The retreats are facilitated by the Lasallian Adult Formation Team from Sydney led by Brother John Cantwell. Apart from being a great retreat experience these also count toward accreditation hours. Please choose from the following days.
26th August - All Staff
27th August - All Staff
28th August - RECs and APs REGISTRATION LINK
Registration closes Monday the 12th August.
The Transfiguration of of the Lord
Today August 6 is the feast day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. You can read the story in Mark 9:2-10. Basically Jesus appeared in his glory to Peter, James and John, with Moses, Elijah and the voice of God declaring "This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him"
The event happened for the benefit of the Apostles. Their faith and their trust would be forever sealed. "Listen to Him". It is good advice!
Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross (Mary MacKillop)
Thursday, August 8 is the feast day of Australia's sole recognised saint, Mary MacKillop. Many of our schools across the diocese have foundations with the Josephite Sisters which gives the feast special prominence.
Hyperlinked here are some resources RE teachers may find useful in celebrating this great saint.
Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days
Tue 6 The Transfiguration of the Lord
Wed 7 Saints Sixtus II and his Companions and Saint Cajetan
Thu 8 Saint Dominic
Fri 9 Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
Sat 10 Saint Laurence
Mon 12 Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
Tue 13 Saints Pontian and Hippolytus
Wed 14 Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Thu 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Fri 16 Saint Stephen of Hungary
Sat 17 Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mon 19 Saint John Eudes
Tue 20 Saint Bernard
Wed 21 Saint Pius X
Thu 22 Our Lady, Mother and Queen
Fri 23 Saint Rose of Lima
Sat 24 Saint Bartholomew
Tue 27 Saint Monica
Wed 28 Saint Augustine
Thu 29 The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Sat 31 Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary