Alumni at Heathmont College 

Aside from providing first class education to students and employing amazing teachers, Heathmont College also provides a wide range of work opportunities encompassing a wide range of skills, qualifications, experience and interests. We are very fortunate to welcome back several of our past students to undertake some of the roles. We have found that having past students work with us not only provides them with authentic real-world work experience that supports their career pathways, but is also highly advantageous for the College as they already a great rapport with the community and knowledge of our policies and procedures. 


Please enjoy hearing about two of our former students who are now employed with us!    


Lachlan Clarke

How long have you worked at Heathmont College?

I have worked at Heathmont since the start Term 1 this year.


What is your role at the school?  

I do a few different things at the college, but I mainly do Education Support helping the Year 7 and Year 8 students.


What is the most rewarding part of your job?  

Probably getting to build positive relationships with the students that I get to work with every day. 


What was your favourite subject at school?

Favourite subject was definitely PE, but I also really enjoyed maths when I got to VCE.


What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?

Usually, I spend most of my weekends playing sport and I find that really relaxing sometimes. However, I also enjoy playing my PlayStation when I get some free time at home.


What is your best memory of Heathmont College?

I have a lot of good memories at Heathmont probably my favourite memory was the Year 11 formal that we got to do, it’s so much fun being able to dress up and go to a nice place with your friends and it was just a fun night in general definitely a few moments from the night still get talked about. 


Jascha Kahrau


How long have you worked at Heathmont College? 

Since the beginning of Term 2


What is your role at the school? 

I am a maths tutor and this term I am mainly helping out in year 7, 8 and 9 maths classes 


What was your favourite subject at school? 

Ironically not maths, it was probably Psychology or Art 


What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?  

I love to draw or paint.


What is your best memory of Heathmont College?

Probably Mr Meagher's Biology classes