Gathering Circle

We are proud to announce that the new Gathering Circle is complete and ready to use! The Gathering Circle has been constructed in front of the Stadium and adjacent to our Indigenous Garden. The Gathering Circle was designed by Aboriginal artist Simone Thomson - the same artist who has designed our Indigenous Garden, College Values and Indigenous House Designs. All staff and students are welcome to use the space and we envisage the circle being used on a very regular basis. 


The Gathering Circle is a result of collaboration and consultation with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community along with support from the College Council.



What is a Gathering Circle?

A gathering circle is where members of the community gather to connect with one another. They are symbolically round which emphasises that each member has an equal say. A gathering circle can be used as a yarning circle which is an important process that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people use to learn from one another, build respect, and share knowledge. Gathering Circles are a collaborative way to communicate and provides a respectful place to be heard and to respond.


The gathering circle has benefitted the College by:

  • Having a significant space in which our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, their families and members of the community could hold formal yearning circles. 
  • The space compliments the current Indigenous Garden 
  • Be used as an outdoor learning space for classes.
  • Adds to the beautification of the school.
  • Supports the College values (including the artistic design) of Community and Compassion.  

If you have any questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Shane Hunt

Acting Assistant Principal