Weekly Student Award






Prep AAAva JRespect For ensuring she is always using manners, including all friends into play both inside the classroom and during break times and overall treating others with respect.
1/2 NPAshton LOutstandingFor starting Term 3 with a positive attitude towards his learning and giving effort to everything he does. 
1/2 PBAmira MOutstandingFor continuously working hard and trying your best. You did an amazing job presenting your maths project and you should be very proud!
3/4 LPAkshay SOutstandingFor trying your absolute best in all learning tasks. Keep up the fantastic work!
3/4 JSSophia S Respect You always show great kindness to all your peers and friends. You speak super politely and it is always appreciated. Keep being amazing!

5/6 JD 


Adele RRespectFor always demonstrating kindness and respect on a daily basis. Your manners and ability to follow instructions to do what's asked of you makes you a superstar student! Great job Adele!
5/6 JDZJarryd KOutstandingFor consistently adding useful contributions to class discussions and for showing enthusiasm towards new challenges in learning! Keep up the fantastic work!
STEAMBillie BOutstandingFor your fantastic participation during group discussions.  Well done!
SigningJaxon TTeamworkFor demonstrating your high level of signing skills and using your confidence to assist others when they are stuck. Your enthusiasm for learning is a highlight of any lesson, well done!
PERyker LOutstandingFor making great choices by focusing on instructions and rising to any challenge with a hardworking, positive nature. It’s great to see you make such a solid start at our school!







Prep AAAddilyn W Outstanding For building your confidence everyday, coming to 100 days of school with a bright smile and dressing as the best mini Miss A I have ever seen! 
1/2 NPHunter POutstandingFor writing interesting book reviews that demonstrate your opinion and are supported with examples from the book. 
1/2 PBCaidyn DWellbeingFor always persevering when faced with a challenge. It is fantastic to see your big smile every day!
3/4 LPAiden BTeamworkFor demonstrating terrific teamwork during learning tasks in the classroom and when playing with others outside. You are a superstar!
3/4 JSHarlow D Outstanding For being a superstar student. You are always organised and ready to learn. Have well thought out contributions to the class discussions. As well as completing your work to a high standard. WELL DONE!

5/6 JD 


Jamison GOutstandingFor making amazing choices to ensure he completes his work independently and to avoid distractions. Great job Jamo!
5/6 JDZSarah PGratitudeFor taking pride in your learning and the presentation of your work! You have shown excellent care and set achievable expectations for yourself! Well done!
STEAMDarcy VOutstandingFor demonstrating all of our marble values in STEAM beautifully.  I’m proud of your effort!
SigningElla HOutstandingFor continually making good choices and ensuring your input is always positive. It’s been fantastic to see your confidence grow and your contributions to activities have been awesome. We are so proud of you!
PEIndie MGratitudeFor your overall enthusiasm when participating in activities. Your excitement influences others in a positive manner. Keep it up!