Specialist Subjects

P.E Auslan STEAM


In P.E for this term, the whole school has been focusing on their Gymnastics skills. 

Our junior students have been working on manipulating thier bodies into letters of the alphabet, balancing on beams and developing their pencil/forward roll skills.

Our middle and senior students have been developing their strength and flexibility with a range of individual and partner balances, alongside learning about forward rolls on the foam wedge and a flat surface.

On occasions students in Grade 1 - 6 will also complete a Basketball game or skill development activity at the conclusion of each lesson to ensure that we are keeping in touch with our skills for the upcoming Hooptime days which is very exciting!



Similarly to our PE sessions, our final junior LOTE lessons involved playing a variety of games focusing on the Auslan alphabet and number recognition.


Our middle/senior grades have created a shopping list involving different foods. Next term students will be practicing signing about their shopping list including how much each object is and how much money they will need to purchase all items.


STEAM: Science, Technology & The Arts

Term 3 has been full of experiments and hands on activities to help introduce our students to the new topics! Junior students are learning about light and sound. We have been for a walk around the school to find light and dark places, listened to a story with lots of different sounds and felt vibrations using our voices, balloons and a guitar to understand the connection between vibrations and sounds.


 The middle and senior students are learning about states of matter. 3/4s have been exploring the processes of melting and cooling, with a fun side project of growing and looking after mushrooms this term! We hope to have lots of mushrooms so they can have a taste! The 5/6s have been doing experiments to explore the properties of solids, liquids and gases, and classify materials as one of the states.