Middle School

3/4 LP & 3/4 JS

Welcome to Term 3! It has been great to see everyone recharged from the holidays and ready to get back into learning.



Reading: This term we are reading Percy Jackson for our novel study. Students have been demonstrating their comprehension of the text by answering questions and analysing character motivations. We have also been learning how to navigate web pages by using links and text clues to find information.

Writing: We have started the term looking at information reports. Students chose their own area of interest for their reports and have been developing their research skills in order to collect information from a range of sources. Students have been practising putting the information they located into their own words.

Maths: We have been looking at fractions, with a focus on equivalent fractions and adding fractions with the same denominator. Our measurement focus has been on Mass and Capacity.

Humanities: Our topic for Term 3 is Civics & Citizenship. We have been learning about the different levels of government. We ran our own mini election, where students had to write and present a speech explaining the changes they would make to the classroom if they were elected Class Councillor. They all did an excellent job - we might have a few future politicians on our hands!



The theme for NAIDOC this year was 'Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud.' Students participated in a variety of activities throughout the week and created artwork in collaboration with other schools in the Cardinia Network.



Students enjoyed the opportunity to participate in an AFL Clinic this week. They had a great time working on their handballing and kicking skills.