Upcoming Events

Please add these events to your calendar, if relevant

NAIDOC Assembly

Parents/carers are invited to join us for our NAIDOC Assembly on Friday 16 August at 9.30am in the MPC. Please RSVP to communityrelations@ncs.nsw.edu.au.

Term 3 Gymnastics

This week our primary students commence their gymnastics program.Students will learn and practice a variety of skills and movements encouraging flexibility, coordination and strength through participation.Students in Years 3-6 will participate each Thursday during Weeks 1-5.Students in K-2 will participate each Thursday during Weeks 6-9.

Whole school events

Fri 16 August9.30amNAIDOC Assembly

Primary Events

Tue 6 Aug Primary CSSA Zone Athletics
Wed 7 Aug Australian Mathematics Competition
  Kinder 100 Day Party
Thu 8 Aug CSSA State Netball and Football Finals
  Stage 3 Gymnastics
Fri 9 Aug Primary Assembly (Kinder leading)

Secondary Events

Mon 5 Aug Secondary CSSA Zone Athletics
Wed 7 Aug After-school Volleyball Training
Thu 8 Aug CSSA State Netball and Football Finals
Wed 14 Aug CSSA 15&U State Oztag Gala Day
  After-school Volleyball Training
Thu 15 Aug CSSA Open State Oztag Gala Day