Learning & Teaching

Holiday Recounts
Year 1
Year 4
Wintersail by Anne E (4JM)
On the amazing school holidays, I went to Albert Park lake for the regatta Wintersail!
First, we had to register. We lined up in the long line while we chatted to some friends. When we had finally arrived at the front of the line, we gave our name and signed on. Then I went and rigged my boat AKA Everlasting Gobstopper!
Once everything was organised, we had a whole group briefing at 9:30am. We found out who our coaches were and I was so excited that we had Sophie Jackson who is a world champion! We also had a coach named Peter. We talked about how to rig our boats for light winds. Then we went out on the water. There was very little wind but we got a bit of speed. After two hours of sailing we got lunch. I had a hot dog, a piece of cake and a juice box.
On day two, in the briefing, we talked about rudderless sailing. The rudder is the part of the boat that helps you steer. In rudderless sailing to go to the left you have to lean left, and to go right you have to lean right. When it was time to head in for lunch we were amazed to find showbags! Inside my bag I found a new water bottle. A new pencil case, a writing book and a sticker!
While others were finishing their lunch, someone had brought their boat down and it was called a Nikki. I tried sailing it with a friend called Jossie. It was so fun sailing a different boat
Finally it was race day. We rigged our boat and got out onto the water. The first three starts I attempted were terrible, but the last start I tried was great. I came third in that race! At the end of the regatta there was a presentation. I was thrilled to receive the Coaches Award!
It was such a fun time and I was very proud of myself.
Going to Hijinx Hotel by Evelin R (4JM)
On the 28th of June 2024, it was the end of Term Two! Anne and I had planned to go to Chadstone and visit the Hijinx Hotel (a pretend hotel with game rooms inside) with my Mum to have some fun.
When the school bell finally rang to end the term, Anne and I said bye to our friends and walked over to my Mum. We all walked to her car, it was white and a seven seater. When we got in the car, Mum gave us custard rolls as we drove to Chadstone.
After a long drive and a huge amount of talking, we arrived at Chadstone and walked to Hijinx Hotel. When we entered the hotel we went up an elevator that brought us into a long hall full of doors. Someone showed us to our first room which was a spelling room. We had to answer questions on a screen by putting cubes with letters on them into holes.
The next room was a game of noughts and crosses but we had to throw stuffed spheres at the gameboard. We achieved a pretty high score in this room though!
In the third room we had to guess well-known songs played on a piano. Anne had several panic attacks in the room! My mum was very helpful though!
The second last room contained a memory game. There was this annoying speaker that said a pattern that we had to follow or we have to start again with a new pattern. My mum mucked up a lot in this room!
In the last room we had to throw balls into holes on the wall of a ball pit. Anne accidentally did the splits the last time we played so it was hilarious! Soon after that it was time to leave and we drove Anne home.
It was so much fun.
Year 2
Year 3
Celebration of learning in Prep
The Prep children have been busy learning the sounds and letters of the alphabet through the story, 'Milo's Birthday Surprise'. Learning the sounds of the alphabet (phonemes) and linking them to written letters (graphemes) are the first steps in learning to read. The children have successfully completed 'Milo's Birthday Surprise' and today celebrated the story by dressing up as one of Milo's animal friends. The Preps celebrated Milo's birthday with the party food that was mentioned in the story.
In the afternoon, the Preps went on Harry Hippopotamus' Hunt with their Year 5/6 Buddy to locate items around the school.
Prep-2 Puppet Incursion
Next Friday 26th July, The Melbourne Puppet Kerfuffle will be presenting to the Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students a 45-minute puppet show that is resilience and well-being-themed.
A brief synopsis of the performance;
Welcome to the Prank Factory! Anything can happen here, from wolves chasing their tails to puppets playing with whoopie cushions and rubber chickens. We know kids love jokes, tricks and pranks, and ‘The Prank Factory’ is where all our resilience scenarios occur. When Bruce (the fluffy green monster) and Calvin (the wise shopkeeper) open the store and wait for the customers, not everything runs to plan. It's Bruce's first day on the job, so with Calvin's help, Bruce learns how to be more resilient. When Bruce encounters a problem and isn't sure what to do in the scenario, he presses PAUSE on the story and invites the presenters and students to help him talk through his problem. Bruce learns with the children; he is funny, tries new things and sometimes makes mistakes.
We are looking forward to the performance.
Libby Mulhall (Performing Arts Teacher)