Parish News

Hi everyone! As we get stuck into Term 3, I wanted to say hello and welcome you all back. I was dog sitting this guy for two weeks and I'm sad that he's gone home now!
His name is Felix and he's the seminary dog. The seminary is where men train to be priests like me. In August some students in Grade 4 will receive the holy Eucharist for the first time in the church and we're really looking forward to that. We're also looking forward to Grandparents day next Friday. We usually choose this day because it's the feast day in the church of Saints Anne and Joachim, grandparents of Jesus! Their daughter, Mary, is Jesus' mother! Grandparents are very special people and we really want to thank them and appreciate them on that day. We especially want to learn all we can from them, because with all their years they gain much wisdom. Have a nice weekend everyone. Please know that you're welcome at Mass 6pm Saturday night or Sunday at 9:30am with our wonderful choir and children's liturgy. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Fr Trevor
Parish (Weekend Mass times)
- Saturday Vigil 6pm
- Sunday 9.30am
2024 Sacramental Program
Sacrament of First Eucharist
There will be a Reflection Day for all children on Friday 16 August (during school hours).
The Sacrament of First Eucharist will be celebrated on Sunday 25 August at the 9.30am Mass.
Monday 15 July - Registration for First Eucharist opens
Friday 9 August - Registration for First Eucharist closes
Sacrament of Confirmation
There will be a Reflection Day for all children on Tuesday 17 September (during school hours).
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Thursday 10 October (Evening). Time to be confirmed.
Monday 26 August - Registration for Confirmation opens
Friday 20 September - Registration for Confirmation closes