Smoking and Vaping Ban

Information from the Department of Education and Training

In Victoria, a person must not smoke cigarettes, including e-cigarettes (regardless of whether they contain nicotine or are prescribed for therapeutic use) within school premises and within 4 metres of any pedestrian access to school premises. Smoking in these places is a fineable offence. The smoking and vaping ban applies to:

  • anyone present on school premises during and outside of school hours including students, teachers, contractors, parents or carers or the wider community, such as sporting groups
  • all activities that take place on school premises including pre-schools, kindergartens, outside school hours care, cultural, sporting or recreational activities and school fetes.

The diagram below shows an example of where the smoking ban applies at a school. (please note this is an example school map, not a map of ENPS)

Example of where smoking and vaping ban applies at a school
Example of where smoking and vaping ban applies at a school