P & F News 


Happy Monday from the P&F Committee, we hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend.

There is some very important information about the upcoming St. Fidelis Family Fun Night, so please read on so that you don’t miss your opportunity to attend.

Upcoming Term 4 Events/Activities:

Icy Pole Fridays – Every Friday

P&F Meeting – Tuesday 22nd October, 7pm staffroom

Lunch Order Day – Friday October 26th

Family Fun Night – Saturday 16th November

P&F Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 26th November, 7pm staffroom

Christmas Carols Night & Christmas Raffle– Thursday 12th December

Icy Pole Fridays

Every Friday during Term 4, students are permitted to purchase a ZOOPER DOOPER at the beginning of lunch for $1. With the warmer weather coming, this fundraiser is a student favourite. Thank you in advance for your support with this event!



Lunch Order Day – Friday October 26th

Orders now CLOSED! Pizza and Ice-Cream on the menu this time. Please read flyer for further information. Thank you.


Family Fun Night 

On Saturday 16th November is the Family Fun Night at Reggio Calabria Club in Brunswick. The cost is $55 per adult and $30 per child – includes antipasto share plates, pasta and dessert. Drinks NOT INCLUDED, but they can be purchased on the evening at bar prices! Children in highchairs are FREE.


Tickets are now available to purchase on QuickCliq, and ticket sales will end on 7th November, unless sold out prior. 


Please read the information on HOW TO PURCHASE TICKETS carefully (in the flyer) to ensure you get your preferred seating arrangements. The P&F Committee looks forward to seeing you at the event!

Christmas Carols Night & Christmas Raffle

The P&F Committee invite you and your family to attend our annual Christmas Carol Evening. This event is a festive way to end a school year, which the entire school community enjoys. The event will start at 5:30pm for food/drinks, followed by student carols, beginning at 7pm. Further information on this event coming soon. Thank you.


P&F Annual General Meeting

On Tuesday 26th November, please join us for our final meeting of 2024, where we reflect on our school community and its successes and look forward to 2025. The AGM will begin promptly at 7pm in the St. Fidelis staffroom. We hope to see you there!

Uniform Stall AND 2nd Hand Uniform Donations

We welcome any donations of second-hand uniforms for our upcoming stalls. Please ensure that the uniforms:

  • Are in acceptable condition with no fading, missing logos or stains.
  • Have a school logo or are PSW labelled, therefore no Kmart/Target/etc. purchases.
  • Are in a clean condition.

Please place your items in a bag and hand into the school office to donate. Many thanks.

THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!

Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, can provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:

JOSIE SERVELLO – 0421 076 580   josieservello@gmail.com     

REBECCA KOUTIVAS – 0430 344 194   bterra86@gmail.com

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