What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | Isaac - For being a kind and inclusive friend to everyone in Foundation LW. Thank you for always showing care and kindness day at school. Well done, Isaac! Minnie - For the positive way you have participated in all your learning throughout the week. You are always focused and ready to begin your learning. Fantastic effort, Minnie! |
FAM | Bailey - For being a curious learner and asking the visiting firefighters wonderful, insightful questions. Well done Bailey! Clark - For sharing materials equally between groups when solving division stories. You even had a go at recording the number sentence! Clever Clark! |
1/2VS | Edan - For always challenging yourself to learn new things during Literacy and Maths. Keep being a risk-taker, marvellous Edan! Isabel - For always finding ways to contribute to the learning space. You are a valuable member of 1/2VS! Incredible Isabel! |
1/2VK | Kaylee - For your fantastic spelling, you blew me away this week; keep it up, Miss Spelling Superstar. Arnold - For demonstrating enthusiasm with your learning! Your work with time is hands-down amazing! |
3/4BP | Riley -For modelling and representing unit fractions in different ways. You are a fraction superstar! |
3/4SH | Giorgio - For his fantastic participation in group discussions this week and his wonderfully descriptive writing. Keep up the fantastic work, Giorgio! |
5/6OS | Selena - For designing an interesting and persuasive advertisement for a board game so good, it’s bringing friends together from afar—no 'board-om' allowed! |
5/6BZ | Pierre - For showing your creativity in researching and designing a logo and advertisement for your Cookie Crunch brand! I can’t wait to see these delightful cookies come to life! |
5/6MC | Alexander - For being a role model to all by holding yourself to a high standard in your school work, helping others and keeping me on my toes by even handing in your work in French, well done Alexander! Stella - For an amazing effort when creating your own product and applying different visual persuasive techniques to advertise for it. I can't wait to "chew" on your Alfa Bites, well done Stella! |
It was another busy week of learning in FAM and FLW this week. A big congratulations to FLW for leading their very first Whole School prayer and assembly last Friday. We all showed courage and confidence when reading to a large audience.
As inquirers, we continued to explore our big question ‘What’s good for me?’ We had our second visit from the Brunswick Fire Brigade. As researchers, we continued to find out about how they help keep us safe in their roles and we looked at the fire truck. We explored the different buttons, hoses, ladders and other features, before having a go at the most exciting part, which was spraying the fire hose! As communicators, we unpacked our thinking by recording what we did and what we discovered.
As readers, we tuned in to Fiction Texts. We began exploring narratives, their purpose and their features. We engaged with different fairy tales, and, as thinkers, we identified the characters, setting, problem and solution, and recorded these on a story map. In the coming weeks we will begin writing our very own narrative stories!
It is a very busy term, so here are some key dates to remember…
- Socktober/Hot Food Day - Friday 25th October
- School Closure Day and Melbourne Cup Day - Monday 4th November and Tuesday 5th November
- Art/STEM Show - Thursday 14th November
- School Athletics Day - Friday 22nd November
- Christmas Carols and Christmas Picnic - Thursday 12th December
Have a wonderful week!
Leanne Wenckowski and Alycia Marsico,
Foundation Team
We are very excited to see the beautiful sunshine this week! We have had another fantastic week of learning. We would like to welcome Miss Marissa, a student teacher in 1/2VS. She will be supporting Miss Sparano for the next four weeks!
As readers and writers, we have been exploring prefixes. These letters are added to the beginning of a base word to change its meaning. Below are some examples. You may like to continue consolidating these at home by writing word lists, creating a memory card game, placing words into sentences orally or in writing or even identifying these words in texts.
Moreover, we have begun our new topic of persuasive writing. This week, we learnt about the differences between facts, opinions, and even points of view. We also engaged in our first debate, where in triads, we brainstormed different reasons why dogs made good pets versus why dogs didn't make good pets. We presented our arguments to the class, and we had so much fun doing this!
As people of faith, we have been exploring the month of October and how it is dedicated to praying the Holy Rosary. Each morning, we gather in our learning spaces and pray together. We take a moment to engage in quiet reflection to pray to God through Mary, and then we recite the Hail Mary prayer together. We have also had the opportunity to listen to stories from the Bible about Mary to identify what type of person she was and her importance to the Catholic faith.
As inquirers, we continue exploring our big question, ‘How can I help myself and others?’ We were presented with this image.
As thinkers, we had to consider questions such as: What do you notice? Can you see fairness? Why or why not? Does fairness always mean everything is equal? We then had time to discuss then draw or write our responses in our Learning Journals.
Lastly, it was fantastic to welcome back our Stick Insects, Sticky, Twiggy, and Leafy, after their extended holiday break. We continue to observe them and notice changes, one of which is that Twiggy has shed her exoskeleton. What an exciting change to observe!
- Year 1/2 Year Level Mass is on Tuesday, 22nd October, at 9:15 am. You are welcome to attend.
- Please respond to the email regarding Fairy Bread before Friday 25th October!
- Socktober is this Friday 25th. Please see Audiri for further details. Students are to wear crazy socks and bring a gold coin donation.
1/2 Team
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis, Vivian Boggis and Miss Marissa
As inquirers, we engaged in an incursion ‘Democracy, Community and Me’ facilitated by Dan from Linked Incursions. Students explored the fundamentals of democracy and government in Australia. They examined the difference between rules and laws and how they are made to benefit the community. Students participated in a mock-election to the local government while learning about preferential voting and absolute majorities. They participated in a local government council meeting role play, with costumes and props, to illustrate how local rules and laws are made for the community. Students took the role of Councillors and residents to contribute their opinions to the debate and to get to grips with the democratic process.
As mathematicians, we are learning to model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole. We constructed a fraction wall showing a whole, half, quarters and eighths with support from Mrs Monaghan.
As a school community, we participated in our first GEM Day. GEM stands for Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. We engaged in a variety of mindful activities including yoga, colouring, making glitter jars, creating mascots and designing emotions for different Inside Out characters. We concluded our day with sports activities in our house colours.
Have a lovely week!
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
As part of the Resilience Project learning this week, students engaged in a learning opportunity related to Sportsmanship. Students documented the characteristics, definitions, examples and non-examples of sportsmanship. They also designed a logo that represented what positive sportsmanship looks like. It was such a great discussion to have with our students, particularly in the lead up to our School Athletics Day this term.
This week, our Year 5/6 entrepreneurs launched their own companies and products, using their persuasive powers to reel in the big bucks! Individually students created their own ad, mastering the art of persuasion with catchy slogans, irresistible deals, and (of course) promises no one could refuse. They then faced the ultimate test: presenting their ideas Shark Tank-style to the rest of the cohort and our very serious panel of "investor" teachers. We saw everything from sweet treats to the clothes designed for practicality and yet are still fashion forward (we're still waiting on that one to hit the market!). Let’s just say, some of our students might be on the path to becoming the next big thing—watch out, world! Look out for next week's newsletter to see some of our products and ads!
On Thursday the 17th of October, 20 of our Year 5/6 tech whizzes took on the First Lego League challenge, going head-to-head (or should we say, brick-to-brick?) with other schools in an epic competition of engineering, coding, and creative genius. And guess what? They didn’t just come back with cool stories—they brought home three shiny awards! Made from Lego! From teamwork to robot performance, our students proved they’ve got the skills to build and break records. We would like to congratulate all participants on their incredible representation of our school. Look out, Lego Masters—you’ve got competition!
We would like to thank all family’s for their attendance at our Zoom on Wednesday night last week for engaging in our Wonder of Living Program.
A reminder that this Friday is Crazy Sock Day and BZ will be running our assembly this week.
Have a wonderful week,
5/6 Team
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut