Student Wellbeing

Since the last time we were here a number of things have changed. Our Year 12’s have finished and celebrated their time at Marian and started their VCE exams this week and we have started the transition to 2025.
Senior Leadership Process and election of our Lamp Bearers for 2025
After our Leadership Day in the last week of Term 3 we asked any student interested in applying for the position of Lamp Bearer to submit an application on the first day of term 4.On Monday 7 October, we had 12 applicants for Lamp Bearer out of the 20students who attended the Leadership Day. Ms Romano, Mrs Stafford and myself then read all of the applications and we then moved to the interview process where six of the applicants were interviewed for the role of Lamp Bearer .Those six students were:
- Mary-Jane Pham
- Jolyne Tran
- Swedal Gonsalves
- Leah Pikoulas
- Alina Nguyen
- Angel Brown
Each of these young women demonstrated a strong understanding of our core values and who we are as a community. This made the decision challenging.
After the interview process, we then surveyed the whole staff and Year 11cohort.After all of these parts of the process were concluded we were very pleased to announce on Celebration Day that our Lamp Bearers for 2025 are
Leah Pikoulas and Alina Nguyen
Our Student Representative Council Members for 2025 are:
Angela Brown, Jolyne Tran, Swedal Gonsalves and Mary-Jane Pham
We look forward to working with this team next year as they look to enhance and continue to develop our community for both the students and staff.
We now move on to the process of the election of our Student Participation Group and House Captain leaders for Year 12.
At the same time, we have started the process of nominations and voting for the Year 7-11 cohorts and they elect their leaders for 2025 .We look forward in the next edition of the Marian of identifying our Leadership teams for all year levels for 2025 as well as the leaders of our Social Justice groups.
Awards Morning – November
On Thursday 21 November, we will hold our Awards Ceremony for Years 7-11as we celebrate the achievements of our students for 2024.
These awards are based on our core values and recognise those students who have shown commitment and passion in the areas of both Performing Arts and the Sporting arena.
We will send out an Operoo early in November to identify our award recipients and invite families to this morning. At this stage, we envisage that the assembly will be held early in the morning, as students will then return to their step-up classes for the day.
Attendance Reminders
A reminder to all of our families of the importance of ensuring that if your child is absent for any reason that their absence is explained by a phone call to the absentee line or an explanation given when we begin the process of calling all students listed as absent at morning homeroom.
This list is generated by 9.00 am each morning and then the office begin the process of calling all the families on the list that have not explained the absence earlier .This is a very long process and some families do not respond to our calls or messages. Can we remind all of our families that it is a government expectation that families and parents/guardians explain their child’s absence every day that they do not appear at school for roll call in the morning.
Operoo Expectations
A reminder to all of our families of the importance of updating your child’s information on Operoo, if anything changes from a medical perspective or even if it changes in areas such as phone numbers or addresses. We rely on this information to be accurate when we are attempting to contact our families for things such as attendance, mentioned above or when our child maybe unwell.
Review of Adventure Park – Risk Assessment for Big Day Out
Over the next couple of weeks, staff from Marian will be attending the Adventure Park to carry out a risk assessment before we take our Year 7-9s students in the last week of school. This is necessary given that it has been over 3 years since we last visited and we are aware that if things have changed over this time that may have an impact on our supervision of our students on the day that we need to be aware of these prior to our visit.
As the warmer weather, sunshine and nicer days seem to be finally making a more regular appearance and we approach the last few weeks of this school year we remind all of our families to monitor the expectations for your child for submission of their final work assessments, exam preparation and the rotation to STEP UP. This can be stressful at this time of the year so it is important that we lookout for anything that may suggest to us we may need to ask for help or support from the school. Remember we are only a phone call or Direct Message away.
Kerrie Williams – Assistant to the Principal – Student Wellbeing