Learning and Teaching

Examinations and Final Assessments
Our Unit 3/4 VCE students have commenced their final examinations this week and we wish them continued success. We hope that their hard work pays off and that they can achieve their potential or even beyond.
For Year 9, 10 and 11 students Semester 2 Examinations commence in November and letters with all details have been sent out via Operoo. The timetable and other important Information, including the Student Examination Protocols, are available on the SEQTA Examination Information Portal Page.
Step up 25 Classes and Resources 2025
The Step Up 25 Program starts on Wednesday 20 November. All students will progress to the next year level with the aim of finishing the year productively and making a strong start on their 2025 learning programs. It is essential that students attend all of the scheduled Step Up 25 Program with the required resources, which should be ordered from the Campion Website. Edrolo resources are ordered directly through Edrolo and information will be distributed before the Step Up 25 Program.
ACER Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT)
To ensure that we are able to accurately measure and support student progress over time, we have again administered ACER (Australian Council of Educational Research) Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) in Mathematics and Reading to all students in Years 7 to 9 and some students in Year 10.
These tests are designed to provide objective, norm-referenced information to teachers about their students’ skills and understandings in key areas. At the centre of each test is a proficiency scale, providing a range of data on student performance, making PAT ideal for understanding students’ current strengths and weaknesses, informing teaching and learning, and monitoring progress over time.
The tests are adaptive and delivered in a series of “testlets” becoming more or less challenging, depending on previous questions answered correctly. This ensures that your daughter has completed a test that was pitched at an appropriate level of challenge for her current level of skill development.
There will be no formal reporting of results. As indicated above, teaching staff will use the testing results for diagnostic purposes, enabling us to better target our teaching and support/extension programs, to increase our impact and, consequently, student progress. The results are also considered in the finalisation of some class groupings for 2025.
If you have any questions relating to this testing program, please contact Jane Goddard at the College.
Ms Jane Goddard - Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching