Echoes from the Archives

2011 Cultural Fusion
On Wednesday the 23rd of March the College was proud to present ‘Cultural Fusion’ a celebration and recognition of our cultural diversity and multi-cultural heritage, to a packed and vocal auditorium .
We are extra-ordinarily proud of the multi-cultural nature of our school community here at Marian College. At our last count there were 46 separate nationalities represented at the school. Our students and staff bring with them a wealth of experiences, traditions andperspectives. Perspectives that we know help to build a more tolerant, just and understanding community – here at school and beyond our school gates.
‘Cultural Fusion’ exemplified the true value of cultural diversity. The four main culturesrepresented on the night displayed the individual features of their traditions. However, they allhad some features in common. They all used music and dance to tell the story of theircommunity; stories of life and relationships. Moreover, all the girls (and some invited boys),were proud to publicly acclaim their respect of family, heritage and tradition. They will be thenext generation who will pass on the values of the past. Congratulations to all who performed, participated and organised the evening.
Rita Grima and Raymond Pisani
This text first appeared in the 2011 March Marian Newsletter