Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
As we approach the end of the school year and the excitement of Christmas kicks in we continue to focus on learning and following routines to provide consistency for our students.
This time of year can bring mixed emotions for our students as they face a period of change and transition to new classes, teachers or schools. Providing reassurance, a calm environment and modelling resilience is essential during this time.
With lots of special end of year events happening in the next few weeks we encourage all families to maintain routines to the best of your ability and be mindful that our students ability to regulate emotions is impacted by end of year fatigue.
With that in mind we look forward to finishing our school year with a number of our annual events. Information about these events will be shared via our newsletter, Weekly What’s On notification, Seesaw and social media platforms.
Week 9
SMCM Carols and End of Year Picnic – please see the School Community section of today’s newsletter for details and don’t forget to volunteer for our Sausage Sizzle.
Year 3 Swimming program begins– details have been provided to Year 3 families. Please see permission form for details.
Week 10
Orientation Morning – students will be informed of their new class and teacher on Wednesday morning. Thank you in advance for helping your child be resilient if they have mixed emotions about this.
Year 6 Graduation Dinner & Mass - details have been provided to Year 6 families. Please see your child’s homegroup teacher with any questions.
Week 11
Whole School End of Year Liturgy – will be held on Tuesday morning at 9:15am in Penola. We will celebrate the 2024 school year and staff and students leaving our school will be acknowledged. Families are welcome to attend, however please note standing room will be limited.
Year 6 Guard of Honour – 12:15pm on Tuesday prior to the 1pm dismissal. Families are welcome to attend as we farewell our Year 6 students from SMCM.
2025 Reminders:
- Teachers are currently finalising the 2024 class lists. Parent requests were invited via the newsletter to be received by the Principal by 1st November. A reminder parent requests will be considered, however are not guaranteed.
- Any students in Prep – Year 5 not returning to SMCM in 2025 are asked to notify the school as soon as possible. We have a waiting list at all levels and want to provide an opportunity for these families to join the SMCM community.
Congratulations to Jessica, David and Sarah (Reinnovate Homegroup) on the birth of your beautiful baby girl Emilia!
This Monday 2nd December is a pupil free day. Our 2025 staff will be gathering to plan for the new school year. We look forward to seeing our students back at school on Tuesday.