Year 4 News

From Georgie, Year 4 teacher


Writer's Voice

This week we have been practicing using their Writer's Voice through persuasive writing. Here are some sizzling starts from students who feel very strongly about soccer nets and sky bridges!



By Orlando 4D

Picture this. You walk behind the goals and BANG you wake up the next morning in hospital with a severe concussion. Most people would say ‘oh my god that wouldn’t be good!’ That is why we MUST get soccer nets.



By Sophie 4D

Picture this, you are playing with a friend and while you’re crossing the road you almost get hit! There is not enough safety. More than 100 kids cross the roads in a day and are very likely to get hit. We NEED a sky bridge between ESC and MSC so that we can travel safely between both campuses and there are no chances of getting hit.


By Nathan 4D

I believe that we need soccer nets because there are way too many injuries and also, Nurse Jen will feel overwhelmed. I have witnessed injury after injury. Once it was me - for proof, if you ask the new nurse (who has been here for two days) she already knows my name, what I came for and both my parents numbers by heart.


By Charlotte 4D

Picture this, you are playing soccer or footy. You’re about to score, you can feel it! You shoot and SCORE! Your ball has bounced over the fence, and you’ve lost your friend’s favourite ball. We really need a net, don’t you think? Believe it or not there are NO nets on either side of the soccer/ AFL field. I am determined to get a full sized net across the entire goal to stop injuries and much more.