From the Principal's Desk

O Lord, Meet me today in the ordinary rhythms of my life. I invite you to come and breathe your life into mine. Come, may your love fill this heart and may it overflow into the lives of others. May your hope well up inside me and bring a new vision for my life. And may your truth light up my reactions and decisions. May this ordinary day become extraordinary because of you. Amen.
What is CIP?
The Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) demonstrates the ongoing nature of improvement in schools. Within the CIP each school moves through self-assessment and reflection, improvement and compliance reviews, school improvement planning and annual implementation planning. Each stage supports the accountability and compliance requirements of schools. While the four-year process moves cyclically, improvement is a continuous and ongoing process, with schools growing and flourishing in multidimensional ways over time.
As a tool, the School Improvement Framework Rubric is used to determine a ‘point in time’ judgement of a school’s improvement achievements. It promotes an evidence- and research-based approach to planning for improvement within the school context and across all spheres (or domains) of a Catholic school.
Schools undertaking a School Review will complete a self-assessment and reflection process as part of the required pre-review phase and to collate evidence for the school reviewer. The School Review is used to support deep learning and ongoing monitoring of improvement throughout the four-year continuous improvement process (CIP) within the School Improvement Framework (SIF).
School Review supports schools and the wider system to foster improvement in an ongoing and continuous way, as well as ensuring schools continue to meet external legislative and regulatory requirements.
School Review has two main dimensions – improvement and compliance.
Through self-assessment and reflection (SAR) and evidence collection, schools consider their school improvement through the four-year CIP. This supports the development and implementation of a new four-year School Improvement Plan (SIP).
Through verification of the minimum standards and other requirements for registration, Child Safe Standards and other State and Commonwealth requirements for Victorian Catholic schools, both schools and MACS are ensuring that external legislative and regulatory requirements are being met.
- Preliminary visit (1 day): Meeting of MACS-accredited school reviewer with the principal and/or leadership team; data and evidence collection; compliance verification process and review preparation discussion.
- Days 1 and 2 (2 days): Reviewer engagement with members of the school community using the SIF Rubric and a range of evidence and school documentation (qualitative and quantitative) to establish a ‘point in time’ assessment of school effectiveness. Through classroom observations, focus groups with staff and community members, and validation of the schools’ SAR, the reviewer will establish clear improvement directions for the school.
- School Review Report: Following Days 1 and 2 the school reviewer will complete the School Review Report. It will undergo MACS quality assurance and be shared with the principal and Regional Learning Services team prior to the dialogue and engagement session.
- Dialogue and engagement session (2–2.5 hrs): Schools engage with school reviewer observations, insights and recommendations, used to inform future planning and priorities for next four years, forming the basis of the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
- Schools will be sent the School Review Evaluation and Feedback Survey to complete.
- Working with the Regional Learning Services team, schools will respond to any required actions for compliance, and develop and begin implementation of their SIP.
Schools will develop and implement their Annual Action Plans (AAP) to further support and monitor performance and growth over the life of the SIP. Schools are encouraged to share the School Review Report recommendations and SIP with the school community, staff, parents, students, school board, parish priest or canonical administrator.
Resurrection School is currently in the Review phase of School Improvement. The Preliminary Visit with our Reviewer took place on October 17th. On November 13th and 14th, the Reviewer will visit the school to complete the Day 1 and 2 requirements. Parents are invited to meet our Reviewer during this time (please check the details on Compass). The Dialogue and Engagement session will take place on December 2nd. Following this session we will develop our four year School Improvement Plan and 2025 Annual Action Plan.
We are looking forward to sharing the feedback and celebrating our achievements and areas for future improvement with our community.
Jane Dunstone