Grade 3 Community News

Hello Grade, 3 Families!
Welcome back to term 4. We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. The students have settled well back into their routines, learning about many exciting new topics.
In Reading, we have begun a new Read2Learn unit where the students have been learning all about Vikings. The students have been engaging in their learning through the story of Ivar, a fictional character sharing what life was like in the Vikings era. They have explored where the Vikings first lived, their way of living, how they communicate and even had the chance to record their name in Vikings runes.
The students have also begun a new writing unit where students will be writing a historical recount based. They are using their knowledge gained from Read2Learn to write a recount about a day in the life of a Viking or villager. The students have began the unit exploring what a historical recount is and using resources such as the rubric and Bump it Up wall to guide their writing.
Our Grade 3 students have been learning all about fractions. The students have been learning how to recognise, model and represent fractions in multiple ways. They have been creating a fractions wall, as as well as using a think board to demonstrate their understanding of the fractions one half (1/2), one third (1/3), one quarter (1/4) and one fifth (1/5). Ask your child/ren about all of the fractions they are noticing in their everyday life.
During our eating time, we are reading the first Harry Potter book. This is also our topic for vocabulary. Each week we look at 5 tier 2 words that can be found in our serial text. In week 1 our vocabulary words were envy, glee, hover, emerge and deserted. In week 2, our vocabulary words were limp, flutter, possess, interfere and crouch. The students have been applying their learning to their vocabulary and writing.
- Please remember to send your child to school with a charged iPad.
- Ask your child if they need any new stationery to bring to school (E.G whiteboard markers, greylead pencils and pens.)
- Remember to keep up the nightly reading at home, and bring the student journal to school on their designated day.
- Please do not forget to check Compass for updates on events that are coming up.
- In term 4, hats are required. Please ensure that your child has their hat at school every day.
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. It is also important for our students to feel included and a part of the school and being present is one big way to help make this happen. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.
The Grade 3 PLC Team