Grade 2 Community News

Dear PLC, 2 Families,
Welcome back! We hope you had a restful holiday and enjoyed spending some quality time with your children. We have an exciting term ahead of us with lots of awesome opportunities for our students.
In our ‘Read to Learn’ sessions, we have begun our learning about Greek Myths. The students started with learning about the 12 gods of Mount Olympus, then onto identifying how humans were created (according to Greek mythology). Next, we explored how Greek myths explain the changes of seasons, and how the Greek people believed spiders came to be!
Our writing is currently focused on a new genre - imaginative writing. Students are learning how to create their own ‘myth’ based on what they have been learning in the Read to Learn sessions. The students are scaffolded to carefully craft their writing following the writing process, including planning, drafting, editing, revising, and finally, publishing.
In maths, we have begun learning about fractions. We started with setting goals on what the students would like to achieve by the end of the unit, and what steps they are going to take to reach their goal. It is essential for students to understand that a fraction is equal parts. To support this understanding, we have been completing hands-on activities to manipulate shapes and identify the fraction shown.
This term, we will be reading the text Bungawitta by Emily Rodda. Our vocabulary words have been carefully selected from this text. Here are the words we looked at in week 1:
Now that it is term 4, please ensure your child comes to school with their Tarneit Rise hat every day. If they do not have their hat, they will be directed to play in the shade.