Grade 1 Community News

Hello Grade 1 Families,
We can’t believe we are already in Term 4! Our Grade 1 students have been exploring new topics and continuously putting in their best efforts in all learning areas. Here is a look into what we have been getting up to in our Grade 1 community at the start of Term 4.
In reading we have started unpacking our new unit of ‘Fairy Tales’. Students have begun to learn about the fairy tales of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and ‘Rapunzel’. They have been identifying the characteristics of the fairy tales like the setting, royal family, fantasy, problem, solution and ending. As well as comparing the characteristics of the fairy tales and how they are similar and different. Students have been sharing their learning by writing, drawing or retelling the fairy tales on the ipads. They will continue to learn about more fairy tales, such as ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. It's been wonderful to see students' enthusiasm to learn about different fairy tales.
In Writing, we have been continuing on with persuasive writing where students are learning how to express their opinions and convince others. They have been drafting on topics such as, why school uniforms should be banned or why schools should have a vegetable garden. It has been amazing to see students using creative ideas as well as using persuasive skills like high modality words and emotive language to convince and persuade the audience.
In maths we have been diving into the unit of division or fair share. We have been exploring sharing an amount equally into groups using one to one sharing to identify if it's a fair share. They are also identifying if they are leftovers. This unit is a great way to develop our understanding of our next maths topic of fractions. We are proud of the students' efforts to challenge and push themselves to try using the division symbol to write the matching equation!
Vocabulary / Morphology
In Vocabulary, we have been able to demonstrate our understanding of vocabulary words from our new serial text ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl in different ways. The words we have focused on have been thoughtful, insist, tremendous and squirming. We have shown our learning by saying the definition of these words, using them in a sentence and including them in a game of charades.
In Morphology, we have been looking at the suffix -ful. We have learnt how when we add the suffix ‘ful’ to a base word it changes into an adjective, such as play-playful.Students have been adding the suffix to the base word, explaining how it changes the meaning of the word and putting them in sentences.
Friendly Reminders:
- Students are expected to wear their hats in the yard in Term 4. Please make sure they come to school with a Tarneit Rise Primary School hat every day and that this hat is clearly labelled with your child’s name and grade.
- Students will be going on an excursion to the Werribee Zoo this term in either week 7 or week 9. This will be put on compass in the upcoming weeks so please wait for this information to come. Please give your child consent and pay the outstanding amount for your child to attend.
- On Tuesday the 5th Of November is Melbourne Cup Public holiday, students do not attend school on this day.
- Please ensure your child is bringing their reading satchel to school with their student journal, so we can celebrate your child’s reading milestones.
- We thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning!
Lunch orders are available for students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and may be ordered through the QR code: