Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families, welcome back to another term in Performing Arts, our last term for 2024
Prep students are beginning their second term in Performing Arts with reflection and assessment of what they have learned so far this year. Over the next three weeks our Prep performing artists will share what they have learned in Dance, Music and Drama and this will form the basis of their end of year report. These fun sharing lessons are also a great way for students to reflect on how far they have come in their first semester of performing arts learning.
This term the curriculum focus for students in grade 1 to 6 is drama.
Grade 1 and 2 students will be studying puppetry this term. Puppetry is a form of drama in which the performer manipulates an object to create a character and tell a story. Our grade 1s and 2s will be exposed to a range of different puppetr4y styles and traditions, before being given the opportunity to develop puppetry skills to present a short performance in groups. This fortnight students have begun their learning with an overview of the history and variety of puppetry in the world.
Grade 3 and 4 students focusing on a style of drama called ‘Improvisation’. Improvisation is drama which is created on the spot by the performers. To be a great improviser students need to have an understanding of the elements of narrative stories, so a lot of our warmups and games focus on creating characters and developing plots and scenes. Improvisation also requires great teamwork and communication between actors. It is also a lot of fun and our 3s and 4s have been really enjoying it!
We are exciting to be undertaking a filmmaking unit with our grade 5 and 6 students. Throughout the term students will be taught a range of film making skills and techniques and use these to create their very own narrative short film. Grade 5s and 6s have begun the term by working in groups to explore the elements of stories and fundamental acting skills, before being given the challenge of writing, filming and editing a short movie in one lesson. We can’t wait to see what our senior performing artists come up with this term!
As well as our lessons we are very excited about the various after school and lunch time performing arts endeavours that students are undertaking this term.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V