Principal's Desk

Parent Payments (School Contributions)
Last month at School Council, the Parent Payments (School Contributions) were finalised for 2025. Whilst there has only been a slight increase from 2024, the Council position is that we seek to keep family costs to a minimum!
Once payment is received through Compass, book packs will be delivered from mid-November to your child's classroom, as in previous years, and the rest of the items will be supplied to your child by the school.
All computers and iPads will continue to be provided by the school.
Full details are available on Compass, under 'Course Confirmation.'
Hay fever season
Just a reminder that with Spring comes hay fever. If you require us to store hay fever medication at the office, we require a Medical Action Plan which is completed annually by your General Practitioner.
Seeking Support - 2025 Student Learning Groups
Next month, we will begin to work with students, to identify five (5) students in their year level that they work well with.
I ask that you also have the same conversation with them at home as well. We all know, someone we work well with is not always our best friend and it may also be someone in another class.
By having those conversations at home, it prepares them to understand the importance of providing the best 5 names to assist in their development as learners. Furthermore, these 5 names are not preferenced but a list of names in which we will match at least one of them (in most cases multiples). If you have sent a request in over the last few weeks and included names of children to be paired with, please have the same conversation with your child to ensure these names match-up.
I strongly encourage all families to take the time to have these small but important chats. By doing so, it not only goes a long way in helping us in making the best learning environments for 2025 but also it significantly assists us in formulating the best class groups we possibly can based on the information we have available.
It is important to note, that now that the class placement process has begun, it is extremely difficult to make changes after the fact. My hope is that families recognise and respect the huge process in formulating grades, using the information provided to us and understand that changes cannot be made once the communicated timelines have passed. In the interest of fairness, should any requests from parents be made in which is outside the parametres that were clearly communicated (such as listing up to two pairings and/or separations, or not to include specific teacher names), only the first two student names listed will be taken into account when formulating classes for 2025.
Melbourne Cup Day
Tuesday 5 November is Melbourne Cup Day. This is a Public Holiday and students are not required to be at school.
Staff Professional Practice Day
Wednesday 6 November, is our whole school staff Professional Practice Day. Teachers will be spending the day writing student reports, therefore students will not be required at school on this day.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Please feel free to pop in for a chat with either Carrie, Brendan or I, should you wish to discuss anything.
Our doors are always open!
Take care,
Mr. Dale Blythman