Principal's Message
Dear Families, Students and Community Members,
Term 4 is now well underway. As students have settled back into their final term of Year 7, they have continued their focus on high expectations for their learning and achievement. This term we have a strong focus on our college value of Acceptance - Valuing all members of the community as they present themselves and wish to be seen.
World Teachers’ Day 2024: Friday October 25th
I started my teaching career back in 2003, what seems like a lifetime ago and well before any of our current Year 7’s were born! So many things have changed – I still remember being covered in chalk after my first lesson as I had to teach using a chalkboard. The one thing that has never changed in over 20 years; the enjoyment that every day working with students brings, seeing them in class, the yard – learning and acquiring new knowledge that will set them on their own path to success.
Whilst there have been many ups and downs in the profession over the last few years, World Teachers Day is about celebrating the amazing work of teachers because when done well, teaching has the power to positively transform the lives of children, allowing our students to follow their dreams, passions and make a difference in their community.
World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to say thank you to the teachers who continue to make a positive difference every day for our students. I hope you will feel able to join me in thanking the Brinbeal Secondary College teachers who do an amazing job with your child. Throughout our first year, our teachers have gone above and beyond to ensure a successful start of our new learning community. We thank those families who reach out to us acknowledging the great work that all our staff do every day, it is always a pleasure to hear good news from you.
2025 Enrolment Updates:
As the college finalises its planning for 2025, we ask that any families that are aware their child will be changing schools in 2025, to please let the front office know. Likewise if families know of other families looking to join Brinbeal Secondary College and have not yet applied for enrolment; encourage them to do so. Reminder, we are a zoned school, all students must reside in the zone to be guaranteed placement.
Kind Regards,
Mr. Simon Haber
College Principal
As a staff team we are committed to providing a diverse and inclusive school with our students and your children. We encourage you to partner with us as we build our high expectations for our school community as a whole. Your feedback is always welcome and I can be contacted on 03 8001 3333 or via email at