Student Voice

Miss Carly Epskamp

Across the last few weeks, DPS students have attended the Life Education Program. It has been a great program and the students have really enjoyed the lessons. Here are some of the students voices and opinions on Life Ed: 


Ryan 2M - I learned friends have to help each other and car for each other. And you have to care for yourself.


Isabella 2M - I liked Harold because he was funny. I learned you should be nice to your friends.


Sharleez 2M - I loved the Life Ed van because it was fun. I liked doing the acting [role play]


Level Three participated in a program called ‘All Systems Go’ which was about the human body and how it works. Here is what some of the Level Three students thought about the Life Ed Program:


Chanel 3B - I liked the Life Ed visit. I especially enjoyed learning about what the heart does. It pumps blood around our body and 70% of our blood is made out of water! I though that was really interesting. I would like to do it again next year.


Lucas 3B - I really loved learning about the whole entire human body. I thought Leah was a great presenter. At the start I got confused but then she taught us all about things like nutrients and oxygen and the good things for our body and how they work. I liked doing a favour for Leah by collecting all the organs! I would like her to come again. The videos were also really entertaining.


Luke 3G - I learnt about how to keep healthy and the important systems in our bodies. A fun fact was that the heart can pump 5 litres of blood every single minute! My best tip is to do lots of exercise to keep healthy.


Lochlan 3G - My favourite part was meeting Harold because he was funny. He ate 12 bananas! I learnt that your lungs transfer oxygen into your blood. My top tip is to do exercise because it makes your heart beat faster and it makes your heart healthier and stronger.

Annabelle 3G - I learnt about how the body works and what the three important systems in our body are. I enjoyed seeing how much blood our heart pumps in a minute and watching Amyara and Alexi try to match the heart. They couldn't  beat (Ha ha!) the heart but they were close!


Liyanna 3G - I learnt how blood is important for our body and how the heart pumps blood that carries oxygen throughout our whole body. We should do exercise and eat healthy food to keep our hearts strong. My advice would be don't smoke, don't eat junk and do lots of exercise if you want to stay healthy  with a good heart.



Yuna 4WB - Life Ed was very fun! I enjoyed seeing Harold and seeing him eat a lot of bananas. We learnt about medicine and how it is important to be careful that we take only the appropriate amount.


Albe 4WB - We learnt that there is four types of legal drugs – medicine (sometimes good for you), nicotine (not good for you), alcohol (not good for you), and caffeine (sometimes good for you and sometimes bad). I enjoyed the session because we got to see Harold the Healthy Giraffe.


Eugene 4WB - I enjoyed the Life Ed session because we got to see Harold. We learnt about how we shouldn’t share food because some people might have serious allergies. I would like to do it again next year so we can see Harold again.


Aydin 4WB - I learnt that a drug is anything that changes your body and that there are some legal and some illegal drugs. I liked seeing Harold. It would be great to do again next year to do some new topics and see Harold again.


Grade 2S have done some follow up work since their Life Ed Visit.