Year 10 Cliffhanger Excursion

The Year 10 Semester 1 and 2 Outdoor and Environmental Studies classes finally undertook their long-awaited excursion to Altona North's 'Cliffhanger' rock climbing studio at Westgate Indoor. This studio is an institution of rock climbing experiences for many individuals in the West, so it was a prideful moment for me as the student's classroom teacher, tackling tricky walls and climbing to new heights. The day began with a safety briefing from our climbing guide Emily, who taught the group how to identify risks, how to belay for those who were climbing the wall, and how to attach the safety harness. Every one of our students was able to climb up to the roof with at least one of their attempts on the wall, which was so exciting to see. A number of students started identifying the trickier climbs and pushed themselves to scale the wall using more difficult gradients. As a class, we discussed how to prepare safely for Outdoor experiences such as rock climbing, and the impact of rock-smoothing when climbing in outdoor environments. 

The students were outstanding representatives of the College, using excellent manners, listening intently when spoken to, and expressing their gratitude for the rock climbing experience to their instructors. This was the last excursion I will have with this group, and I encourage every one of them to consider taking up Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies as I have cherished the opportunity to work with this group of fantastic students. I am certain they will do very well in the upcoming exam given all of the demonstrable skills and knowledge they have displayed throughout this term.


-Nathan McLean