Principal's Report

We are more than half way through Term 4 already and to use an analogy from the recently run Melbourne Cup it feels like we have hit the home straight. Our students are busy sitting their very important End of Year exams and our staff are preparing for our Step-Up program in Weeks 8 and 9 of the term in readiness for 2024. I want to thank all of our community for their support throughout this term as they have set high expectations around our new personal devices policy, wearing correct uniform for exams and the importance for our students to take these exams and end of the year programs very seriously.

Phone and Personal Devices Policy

We began the implementation of our updated Phone and Personal Devices Policy on Monday October 23rd. The response from our entire school community has been overwhelmingly positive. We had around 66 phones and devices confiscated the first day as students adjusted to the expectations. But within the first 2 days this had more than halved and we now have an environment where phones and devices are not prevalent. Also pleasing is the reduced number of incidents where students are refusing the instructions of the staff and despite a number around 10 on the first day this has significantly reduced to 1 or 2 at most on any day. Both of these have contributed to an already improved environment both within classes and also out in the yard areas. Both students and staff have already provided feedback on the positive improvement and this bodes well for further improvements as we move forward.

Stage 3 Building Update: 

The Chirnside Extension continues to progress at a very strong pace and we now have a fully enclosed building. Inside there are hundreds of metres of cabling being installed for networks, electricity, security and many other areas. The space inside has been partially plastered and the space has taken up shape. It is great walking through and seeing the viable and vibrant spaces we will get to occupy in the 2nd half of 2024.


The Technology space had the final 5 machines delivered on Friday and by the time we discuss the report we will have had a visit from the DET OH&S branch to outline requirements to ensure the space meets regulation standards. We will work with the builders to finalise these and then have a follow up inspection in December or January to have the space approved for use in 2024. We will be running 2 woodwork classes at Year 10 in 2024 to begin use of the space.


The Science Rooms official works begin on November 20th and preparations are well underway for the builders to access the space. We have temporary fencing installed and classes have been moved away for the first week of work as there will be significant noise as they dig into the concrete and connect to the existing plumbing and gas.


Our Year 12s are in full swing of their VCAA End of Year exams and we have been extremely pleased to see students turning up in uniform and on time for these important exams. We have had very little absence mostly due to illness. It has been very positive to see the students as they leave the exam in a hopeful mood knowing their hard work has come to fruition with an exam experience that has been mostly positive.


Our Year 10 and 11s began their exam period last week after returning from a long weekend. Once again the students have taken their exams seriously and understood the purpose as not only a way to see how they have grown throughout the year in their learning but also preparation in moving towards Year 12. We have enforced strict uniform requirements for the exams to set high expectations and also prepare students as we move forward in 2024 that there will be no excuses for not wearing the correct uniform.

Graduation and Year 10/11 Awards

Preparations for Graduation are well underway and tickets are now available for families. We look forward to celebrating our wonderful Year 12 cohort at Costa Hall on Tuesday 21st November.  We have had the majority of our families already collect their tickets and we are very close to a full house. The venue looks spectacular and we know the whole evening will be a wonderful celebration of 13 years of school for our students.


Our Year 10 & 11 Awards Evening is held on Monday 27th November starting at 6pm in our school Auditorium. This will be a great opportunity to highlight the learning and achievements of our Year 10 & 11 cohorts and celebrate excellent dedication and improvement in a range of areas. Please continue to check Compass and our Newsletters for all of the upcoming details and invitations.


-Shane Cole-Hayhow

College Principal