Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News Term 4 Week 4


Home Inquiry:

Read for 20 minutes. Reading is to be recorded in student diaries with the book title, page numbers read, and the time read. 


Students have completed designing shirts for next year. The shirts have been voted on and we will now begin the process of working with the graphic designer to finalise the design. We will let parents know when sample shirts are available to check sizing. We will also outline pricing, etc.  


This week students have examined some of the strategies used by their favourite authors and have begun the process of creating a prequel, sequel or alternative ending for their favourite book. The focus of this task has been to recognise strategies and features used by specific authors for effect.


This week students have started their science based, ‘How the world works” unit. Students have spent time working in groups to plan, test and reflect upon two different building designs. Students were given a briefing and then worked together to construct the tallest tower and strongest bridge. Next week, students will be examining some different areas of science and will consider the advances in technology and impact that their chosen area has on people and the environment.   



This week, we have begun our Algebra unit which includes order of operations and BEDMAS. Students have been grouped based on their readiness for this area and have been working through different concepts based on their group.  

Graduation Dinner 

Graduation dinner is fast approaching. We are currently organising the finer details and conversing with Dimples; however, this is progressing slower than desired due to some of their staff being on leave. We will be releasing order forms and seating requests via QKR! ASAP. We appreciate your patience and understanding given the circumstances outside of our control. The letter with all details will be given out on Monday, Week 5 so please check with your child.  

Connected Schools Athletics 

Forms have gone home today with information regarding Connected Schools Athletics Carnival. If you have any questions regarding this please contact Mrs. McCusker.  

Just a reminder students need to have a fully charged iPad, a keyboard, headphones, hat and a drink bottle every day.  


Kind Regards

Year 5/6 Teachers