Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News Term 4 Week 4



Sunscreen, hats and water bottles 

Please apply sunscreen andensure hats and water bottles are sent to school every day. 

Please continue to remind your child about ‘staying in your bubble’, using ‘safe hands’ and ‘kind words’ and not reacting when we are offended. The highlighted words are the vocabulary we use in class. We also talk about boundaries in the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum and encourage children to communicate times they are feeling uncomfortable and being aware of others’ boundaries. We have been reminding the class regularly, however some children are still not doing this.  

Ask – to borrow or donate 

We are in need of old style items from the past e.g. telephones, clothes, transport models, toys, musical instruments, computer parts or games such as marbles. If you have anything we could use, we would appreciate being able to borrow these items or if you are no longer need them and would like to donate them, we would happily take them.  

Museum of Childhood Incursion (at school) on Thursday 16th November 

We are excited to have this opportunity next week for the Year 1/2 students. Toys from previous generations will be brought to the school and each class will have a time to explore the items through play. This is followed by a guided reflection of their learning with both classes together. The focus is on connections with the past and how things have changed.  


Home Inquiry – Use a catalogue or visit the shops. Can you use whole dollar amounts to work out the change if you bought some items e.g. A box of shapes costs $2. How much change from $5? (Y1) or items cost $23 and $25. How much change from $50 (Y2)? 


Read your take home book or library books or home books - Approx. 10 minutes each night.  

On Monday mornings, Take Home Books are changed over.   

On Thursdays, both classes visit the Library for borrowing.   


Sound of the week - See the weekly sound and spelling list below. Students can practise these in a variety of ways (look, say, cover, write, check, chalk, whiteboard writing, magnetic letters - be creative!) The aim is to practise the words both by writing and orally. Have a go at brainstorming other words that have the same sound.   



Term 4: Week 4 Program Learning 


In Readers Workshop, students will continue to develop comprehension strategies including making connections, predicting, inferring, questioning, monitoring, visualising, summarising. 


In Writers Workshop, students are writing a persuasive letter to you/Santa about the best gift to buy for Christmas/their birthday.  



This week we revise the sounds from previous weeks this term.

Maths Focus: 

Year 1 and Year 2 students will use their understanding of repeated addition and groups (multiplication) with whole amounts of money to go ‘shopping’. 


Unit of Inquiry: Where We Are in Place and Time 

Central Idea: The way people live has changed over time 

We inquire into… 

LOI 1: Past and present 

LOI 2: Things that have remained the same over time 

LOI 3: Things that have changed over time 


Students are looking at photos of items used for communication, transportation, clothes, etc in the past to identify the changes to how we use them today. They are watching the education shorts of the ABC program ‘Back in Time for Dinner’ and considering the connections and changes between how things were done in the past compared to the present. 


Students will use their photos and stories about their birth or how they came to be in their families to make a book about themselves. 


Reminders and information 

Please check the rest of the school newsletter for further news. 

May God bless your week, 

Mel Arnold, Ellen Zimmer, Emily Gower  


Mel Arnold  

Ellen Zimmer  

Emily Gower