Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week

Year 3/4 Camp

Last Thursday our year 3 and 4 students headed off to Howmans Gap for an overnight camp.  Students had an oportunity to tackle many activities. Please enjoy a recap from Mitchell in year 4.


Yay! We are now at Howmans Gap Camp. I was in group 1 with Griff, Jez, Riley, Caleb, Amalie, Elke, Cleo, Tayla, Aislynn, and Gen.  Our first activity was the climbing wall.  There were 3 levels and on the first go I got just over the halfway on the medium wall. It was challenging to find the correct peg to pull up on.  Other activities were archery, big sling, damper making, challenge trail, and the high ropes.


The giant swing was my favorite.  It felt like I was about to die when I was going to the top and pulled the rope that released me on the swing.  Both times i went to the top and it was so fun.....I would do it again, and again, and again.


Climbing the rock wall and making it to the top to ring the bell was my proudest moment at camp.  It was very challenging but I didn't give up.



Year 5 Kinder Visit

Our Year 5 students across 2 sessions will visit Lakeview Children's Centre.  This is part of our transition program helping to ease any worries for the kinder children who will be joining us next year as Preps.  Preps are buddied up with a year 6 for their first year of "big school" so having these session will ensure the kinder children are familiar with their buddies for next year.


Session 1