
Class 5/6A with Dave

In the second half of last term we completed a unit of narrative writting drawing inspiration from the writtings of Alison Lester.  Her books don't always follow the typical narrative picture book structure that we learn about; such as start/middle/end. And they also sometimes don't include a problem and resolution.






Thank you our Year 6 hosts Caleb, Max, Jackson, and Aimee


Term 4, 2023

Friday 27th October year 4 will be presenting.

Friday 3rd November celebration of our school's 75 Years.

Friday 10th November Class 2/3 will be presenting.


Family and friends are welcome to attend our assemblies on Monday (in the under-cover area) and Fridays (in the BER building). 

 If you are unwell, please refrain from attending.


Achievement Awards