From the Principal

Curriculum Day - Monday 6th November - (Students do not attend school)

Working Bee - Saturday  11th November - (1pm - 3pm)

Year 4 Alexandra Adventure Camp 13/11-15/11/2023

School Fair 25th of November

Welcome to Ivanhoe Primary School, 


Reminder that Monday 6th of November is a Curriculum Day and students do not attend school. We will be here working on data, assessment and reporting. Stay safe, enjoy what looks like forcasted great weather and enjoy your long weekend. 


One of the many lovely things about  our school is the students commitment to music. IPS has one of the only primary school orchestras in Victoria. Here they are warming up with a simple scale. At the Monday assembly on the 27th they will be playing after the Acknowledgement of Country and the singing of the National Anthem.


Calling all kids who love music! 


The Australian Boys Choir are now running programs in both Hawthorn and Truganina. With 85 years of experience, the Choir runs an exceptional program of music education, leading to opportunities to perform choral music at the highest standard locally, nationally and internationally. 


Auditions for boys aged 7-9 are currently being held for 2024. Please visit for more info and to book an audition.


The Choir also offers a non-auditioned Early Learners program which is open to both girls and boys aged 4-7 years. Term 4 classes still have a few places available. It is never too late to sign up and get a musical head start. For more info and to book for classes please visit 



Holiday Program Survey

A number of families have expressed interest in IPS supporting a Holiday Program onsite. The school worked with a third party provider in 2021 to provide a Holiday Program.  As a result of the low number of participants, likely impacted by the pandemic, the provider elected not to continue. The School Council would like to retest interest from the school community for a potential program offering in 2024. 


A response is required by Friday the 17th of November.



Scan the QR code to vote or go to IPS Holiday Program: Expression of Interest

Captain Australia's BIG LAP

Our Year 4 students were privileged to be visited by Captain Australia (AKA Simon) Tuesday, who is a cancer survivor currently on a walk around the entire country (with no help from vehicles, and with just his swag to sleep in). He is doing this what he calls "Cap's Big Lap" to raise money for children’s cancer research because "no child should have to go through what [he] went through".


Hearing his tales of hardship, resilience, positive attitude and the ability to transcend seemingly insurmountable challenges was awe inspiring for us all.

This is the second time he has walked from Brisbane to Melbourne, except this time Melbourne is not the finish line. He will continue on to walk to Adelaide, across the Nullarbor(!) and on to Perth, before walking up and around the north coast, finally returning to Brisbane again - the GREAT LAP! What a massive undertaking!


More info and links to donate can be found at


"Caps Big Lap began on the 16th of July 2023, and should take 18-24 months. If you want to support Simon with the daily personal costs, or the significant expense of family visits, you can look at SUBSCRIPTION (a dollar a month for the duration of the Lap) or STARS (a one-time payout, one star being a US cent). Don't feel on the hook at all, it's all love, but bless you if you see merit in the Quest and show your support."


If you'd like to see Cap's shoutout to IPS here is the link

FAIR Update

Our biennial IPS Fair is on 25th of November (from 12pm-5.30pm) - please put this date in your calendars. This is our major fundraiser, and it plays a pivotal role in supporting various academic and extracurricular programs for your children, so there is an expectation that your family will get involved in some way.


Here are some options below;- the Silent Auction is probably the biggest fundraiser at the Fair. If a business or organisation you have a relationship with has goods or services we can auction off in our Silent Auction, we would love to hear from you. 


Please contact the Fair Committee ( with a description and value of the donated goods/services, specific conditions and/or dates (note that vouchers should be valid for 6 months from the Fair date), and where applicable, pick-up arrangements- if you would personally like to donate cash, contact the Fair Committee ( 


We hope that you will take this opportunity to support our school and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students.


Andrea Thomas

Fair Co-ordinator

"Smart" watches

While it is wonderful to see students wearing watches, it is apparent that some of these are "smart" watches can be used to make mobile calls. We have been advised that some children have been using their watches to make calls during school time. The Department of Education is quite clear on their mobile phone (and devices) policy. Smart watches must have their capicity to make calls switched off (similar to flight mode) or not be brought to school.


There are three categories of exceptions (relating to phones / devices). They are:

  1. learning-related, 
  2. health and wellbeing-related, including:
    (Example: A student with diabetes may use their mobile device to monitor their blood sugar and the administration of insulin)
  3. risk related.



Please help your child set their device so that they are not inadvertently breaking the rules.




This week we are sending home information regarding 2024 Parent Payment arrangements and booklist requirements with your children.


Please look out for this important paperwork and complete and return page 4 of the document to the school office or your child’s classroom in the envelope provided.


Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. 

Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. 


We want to thank you for all your support, whether that is through fundraising or volunteering your time. This has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.


Your support allows us to

  • Increase the number of mobile devices available to students
  • Increase the hours of our education support (aides) and support teachers in the classrooms
  • Purchase resources over and above the basic essential instructional items
  • To update our projectors and smartboards in our learning spaces
  • Update School wide site licences for software and purchase new software for student use
  • Replace and service classroom air conditioners
  • Purchase play equipment for passive play
  • Resource the Wellbeing room
  • Purchase of new outdoor play equipment
  • Passive play equipment
  • Refresh our Library book stocks
  • Provide Specialist furniture e.g., kidney tables for small group and individual instruction
  • The maintenance persons salary 
  • purchase of STEM resources such as Micro bits boards, iPads, robotics and coding equipment.
  • We would eventually like to purchase a large retractable projector and screen for the school hall


Thank you for your support.


Mark Kent
